I went to high school for teaching OW course

I teach OW course to high school student.

23rd June, 2022

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 23~26℃
Water Temperature: 21~22℃
Wind Direction: Southwest(5~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0~1.5m

Today, I taught Open Water Diver course to a local high school student.
They are all energetic, lively and cheerful students!!

So, I have a good time today.

I will go to this class 6th July.
I’m looking forward to seeing them again.

And, I show you today’s creatures.
It’s sunny day today. So we can enjoy diving even more.

The water temperature is getting warm.
So, Anthias are getting active.

In the dive point of out of ocean, there are so many Sea goldies.
It’s so beautiful(^^)

And, Sometimes we can meet a tiny sea horse.
The name is Japanese Pigmy Seahorse.

The academic name of it is “Hippocampus japapigu”.
Japanese diver used to call it “Japapigu”. Japanese nickname become academic name.

Palette surgeonfish is still living in Kushimoto.
Usually, they run away somewhere but this fish is still here.

I think most people know this fish.
Why am I think so?

Because this fish become a model for Finding Dolly.
Do you know it??

It will be sunny tomorrow .
We must be able to enjoy diving tomorrow !!

I hope many foreign divers come to Kushimoto.
Thank you for your reading.