We can see many migratory fish.

There were many greater amberjack.

August 28, 2022

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 27~32℃
Water Temperature: 23~28℃
Wind Direction: West(3m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

Today is sunny day!!
We can enjoy diving!!

Then, we went to the dive point of out o the ocean!!
There were many greater amberjack today!!

Sometimes, they come close to me.
Also, we can see school of Small Scale Black Fish.

There are many fishes in out of the ocean now.

When we go to the point called Bizen, we can see many kinds of goby.

There are Filament-finned prawn-goby, White-rayed shrimp goby, Flag-tail shrimp goby and so on.

Now, there are many kinds of fishes in Kushimoto now.
So, you must be able to enjoy diving!!!

Please come and visit us!!
Thank you for reading!!
