串本の生きもの / Bigfin reef squid

1 day left of Golden Week

The visibility is getting good.

May 6th, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 17~21℃
Water Temperature: 19℃
Wind Direction: Southwest(3m/s)
Swell: 1.0m


1 day left of Golden Week.The visibility’s getting good.

It’s about 20m. We can enjoy diving with comfortable.

The water temperature rise to 19 degrees.

So, some guest use wet suit today.

Today, we can see the spawning behavior of Bigfin reef squid.

The spawning behavior is becoming active.

I watched the spawning behavior for 20minutes.

The public holiday called “Golden Week” will finish tomorrow.

I’m glad everyone to come to our shop!!

We will enjoy diving tomorrow as well.

See you then!!

Inquiry (English)


Bigfin reef squid


Bizen, Good Wrasse world, Same-no-hire