串本のダイビングポイント / Same-no-hire

Various of crab

It was rain today.

JUne 15, 2024

Weather: Cloudy⇨Rainy
Ground Temperature: 21~24℃
Water Temperature: 20~22℃
Wind Direction: Northeast(3~7m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

It was rain today.
But, sea condition is so good!!!!

At first dive, we can see the crab that has eggs in a stomach.

This crab usually live under small rock.
we can see baby crab’s egg in a eggs.

At second dive, we can see the beautiful hermit crab.
I don’t usually show the guest Hermit crab, but this hermit crab is so beautiful(^^)
So, I couldn’t help but introduce it to our guest.

Some crab hide in this picture.
Can you find it??

It usually live under the rock.
Some Japanese diver likes this crab.

It will be sunny day today!!!
So, We can enjoy diving tomorrow I guess.

Inquiry (English)


Sumisaki, Same-no-hire

We did diving point round trip today

We could see various of situation .

June 12, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 20~28℃
Water Temperature: 20~21℃
Wind Direction: East(3m/s)
Swell: 0.5m

It was so nice day today!!

There is dolphin near a beach.
The dolphin get close to our boat when we go to the place she stay at.

It so cute(^^)
I hope she stay at here for a long time.

At the morning, we went to dive point which has small cave.

It was exciting to go though small cave!!!

At this point, we can always see many snappers.

Sometimes, Greater amberjack comes to this point.

Now, Big fin reef squid is spawning eggs.

Jaw fish protect their eggs in their mouth.

At this moment, we can see the situation of protecting eggs or spawning.

Do you like moray??
There are many moray in Kushimoto area.

You can see many kinds of fishes and situation in our dive site.
I hope everyone to come to Kushimoto for diving!!!

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Bigfin reef squid, Tiger moray, Dubble-lined snapper


Sumisaki, Bizen, Same-no-hire

The rain could have positive effects

Big-fin reef squid was spawning today!!.

June 9, 2024

Weather: Cloudy⇨Rain
Ground Temperature: 21~22℃
Water Temperature: 20℃
Wind Direction: Southeast(5~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

It was rain today…
But the rain can also have positive effects!!

It is easier to see spawning behavior of Big-fin reef squid when it is rainy day.
We could see the spawning behavior today that’s why today is raining.

The behavior is so dynamic things!!
We want everyone to see this.

In this term, many kinds of underwater creatures lay an eggs.
For example , Anemone fish have a eggs recently.

Father Anemone fish protect his eggs until hatch out.
If you are lucky, you may be able to see the situation of hatch out in night diving.

The water temperature is getting warmer.
It was 20~21 degree. I hope water temperature  will be more higher soon.

At last, I show you this pic.

A dolphins come near our port.
When we go to the dive point, we can see the dolphin every time.

Dolphin  sometimes came to Kushimoto , But it is rare to stay at the same place for two days.

I wish this dolphin stay at Kushimoto for a long time.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Bigfin reef squid, Anemone fish, Anemone fish's egg


Sumisaki, Same-no-hire

We were so lucky today!!!

We were able to meet Hummer head shark.

June 3, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 18~25℃
Water Temperature: 18~20℃
Wind Direction: South(2~3m/s)
Swell: 0.5m

We went to diving for Bayside area today.
The visibility and W.temp is almost same as yesterday.

But it is getting better in the afternoon.
I hope the sea condition will be better soon!!!

At first dive, we could see cute and rare frogfish.

It is hard to see this frogfish because they usually lives under the rock.
We were so lucky to be able to see it!!!

At second dive, we were so lucky!!!!!!
That’s why we could meet two Hummer head shark and it was very close!!!!!

Unfortunately ,we couldn’t take a pics of that.
But we can see them completely !!!! Today’s guest is super lucky!!!!

After that, I saw macro creatures also.

There are many sea slug in this term.
If you like sea slug, I recommend you to come to Kushimoto!!!!

It will be nice day tomorrow !!
I will enjoy diving as well!!!

See you then(^^)

Inquiry (English)


Hummer Head shark, Freckled Frogfish, Verconia varians


Bizen, Same-no-hire

Interesting combination!!!

We become able to see various of underwater creatures .

May 24, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 19~25℃
Water Temperature: 19℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(3~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0~2.0m

The water temperature is getting warmer!!
I think I can dive with wet suit now.

We can find out cute frog fish today!!

The number of frog fish is getting fewer.
So, the finding is so lucky !!!

And we could see a interesting combination today.

Two shrimps lives in holes next to each other.
The body color is so beautiful!!
So, I like this shrimp.

Next one is this pics.

Skeleton shrimp ride on a sea slug!!
Some shrimp ride on a sea slug but this case is so rare!!!

Others, there is Japanese pigmy sea horse in bay side area.
This sea horse lives in Japan only.

In this season, we can see a spawning behavior of Big fin reef squid.

That scene is so dynamic!!!
I want everyone to see this behavior !!!

See you then(^-^)

Inquiry (English)


Japanese pigmy sea horse, Bigfin reef squid, Nembrotha sp.2, Giant frogfish


Sumisaki, Bizen, Good Wrasse world, Same-no-hire

It was so exciting!!!

We met so many Greater Amberjack

May 14, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 15~23℃
Water Temperature: 18~20℃
Wind Direction: Northeast(3~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

The sea become calm.
So, we could dive without stress today.

At the morning, we went to the dive point of out of the ocean.
There wasn’t big fishes, but we could see various of macro creatures.

This shrimp is called “Emperor shirimp” in English.
They usually live on the seaslug.
The color of the background is so beautiful. So, many Japanese divers likes this satiation.

At second dives, we met so many Greater Amberjack!!!
The size is huge !!!!
This scene is so exciting !!!!

Others, we sould meet Giant frog fish at last dive.

The size is also big!!!
When we went to the area that we don’t usually go, I could find it!!

I think it is important thing to go to the area that we don’t usually go.

Then, the sea condition will be  calm tomorrow!!!!
I wish we will be able to dive without stress.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Emperor shrimp, Giant Frog Fish, Greater Ambrjack


Good Wrasse world, Ni-No-Ne, Same-no-hire

Research diving

I went to go for research underwater.

May 10, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 11~21℃
Water Temperature: 18~19℃
Wind Direction: East(3~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

I went to go research diving today.

We can observe fish breeding behavior in this season.
Now, many Jawfish protect their eggs in their mouth.

But, Jawfish was eating some food toady…

Sometimes, they jump out from their home.
When they jump out, we can see all of their body.
The case is rare.

We can see this scene in this season only.

The activity of goby is getting more and more.

We usually go to the goby area in summer season.
But, many goby stay out of the home in this year.
It looks like we’ll be seeing a lot of gobies this year.

Have you ever seen this fish??

The shape is strange.
The fish walk on the sand with using their fins.

The shape and behavior is so interesting !!!

Others, there are so many kinds of macro creatures in Kushimoto area.

The water temperature is still 18 degree, but we can enjoy diving so much!!!

Tomorrow will be weekend, we will go to diving three times in a day!!

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


jawfish, Sea moth, Tomiyamichthys sp, Ardeadoris cruenta


Sumisaki, Same-no-hire

There were so many Jellyfish today.

When we make a safety stop, I could find various Jellyfish.

April 20, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 14~23℃
Water Temperature: 17℃
Wind Direction: Southwest(3~5m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

It’s first dive after temporary closure.
The visibility is getting better than before.

At the morning, it is about 10~15m.
But, there are so many Jellyfish or Plankton.

So, It seemed murkier than it actually was.

And I could meet or find out rare underwater creatures at second dives.

First of all is this sea slug.
The color is so beautiful(^^)
But, we cannot see it once or second in a year. So, this sea slug is super rare in our dive site.

And we could meet cattle fish for a while.

When she was scared, she change her body color.
The color is so beautiful(^^)
I hope I will be able to see it again.

I want to show you this sea slug as well. This sea slug is very rare one!!!

The back design seems like sea turtle, doesn’t it??
Today’s guest said that the color seems like whale shark.

What do you think about the color??

The grond temperature is getting warmer and warmer.
The number of inquiry from overseas is increasing.

If you want to look for the diving service in Kansai.
Please come and visit us!!

See you then(^^)

Inquiry (English)


Nembrotha sp.2, Cattle fish, Aldisa albatrossae


Sumisaki, Bizen, Same-no-hire

Hammer head sharks were appealing

We can meet hummer head shark at out of the ocean.

June 25, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 21~27℃
Water Temperature: 23~24℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(3m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

Today’s sea is so calm.
And It was sunny day today!!

So, we can enjoy diving in a whole day.
I wonder if such a day will be continuing everyday.

Today, we can see many hummer head shark at the point of out of the ocean.

There are many sharks. Our guest was happy to see them.

On the other hands, we can also see many macro underwater creatures in the bay side dive point.

In a deep area, there are many goby.
They live in a hole with pistol shrimp. If you can take a pictures with together , you are so lucky!!

And I show our guests that situation .
I like this situation. That’s why it is beautiful back ground.

If I can dive in this dive point, I take a this picture every time as much as I can.

And There is Moss fringe head. The body color is so beautiful!!
I like this fish.

Others, there are many kinds of sea slug as well.

So, you can see various of fishes and  another underwater creatures now.

Now is nice season for enjoying diving in Kushimoto, I think.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Moss fringehead, Pikachu seaslug, Orange-striped shrimpgoby, Ficopomatus enigmaticus


Bizen, Good Wrasse world, Ni-No-Ne, Same-no-hire, Asaji

1 day left of Golden Week

The visibility is getting good.

May 6th, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 17~21℃
Water Temperature: 19℃
Wind Direction: Southwest(3m/s)
Swell: 1.0m


1 day left of Golden Week.The visibility’s getting good.

It’s about 20m. We can enjoy diving with comfortable.

The water temperature rise to 19 degrees.

So, some guest use wet suit today.

Today, we can see the spawning behavior of Bigfin reef squid.

The spawning behavior is becoming active.

I watched the spawning behavior for 20minutes.

The public holiday called “Golden Week” will finish tomorrow.

I’m glad everyone to come to our shop!!

We will enjoy diving tomorrow as well.

See you then!!

Inquiry (English)


Bigfin reef squid


Bizen, Good Wrasse world, Same-no-hire