串本のダイビングポイント / Good Wrasse world

Various of Underwater creatures

We can see many kinds of underwater creatures now.

July 17, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 25~30℃
Water Temperature: 22~24℃
Wind Direction: Southwest(3m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

The sunny day is continuing recently.
So we can enjoy diving without stress.

The water temperature is about 23 degree.
Almost Japanese diver dive with wetsuit.

At the morning, we could see spawning behavior of wrasse.

When female wrasse spawn eggs, many male wrasse chase her.
The situation is so dynamic.

Also, we could see many painted sweetlips.
I guess they were gathering at there for spawning behavior.

We can see this scene in this term every year.

This pics is the most impressive thing for me today.

It is eggs of Bob squid.
The size is 1cm. so  it is tiny.
But we can see baby bob squid in this eggs.
It is so cute!!!

The baby bob squid is like this size.I guess it is about 5mm.

Others we can see many kinds of nudibranchs now.

If you like nudibranchs, now is the best season.

It will be sunny day tomorrow.
We will be able to enjoy diving tomorrow as well!!

See you then(^^)

Inquiry (English)


Sumisaki, Good Wrasse world, Kichiemon

we dove to search nudi today.

Macro underwater creature -lovong guests visit the store every day. .

July 9, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 26~30℃
Water Temperature: 22~26℃
Wind Direction: Southwest(3~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0~1.5m

The overseas tourists came to our shop continuously.
They love macro creatures. Especially nudibranch.

I also like nudibranch, so I could enjoy diving!!
When they come to Kushimoto, I want to show them this.

It called “Pikachu Nudi”.
The color is similar to Pikachu. So, we usually call it Pikachu.

And, Today’s guest like this nudibranch the best.

When I show it to the guest, she shouted underwater haha.
The size is tiny. it is about 1mm.

You need to take a pic of this, if you want to see completely(^^;)

Others, I show many kinds of underwater creatures that lives in Kushimoto.

Painted sweetlips were gathering at the same place.
I guess they will be spawning soon.

The water temperature is still cold, but most fishes is getting active.

The neon damsel is increasing.
The color is so beautiful. So, when overseas tourists come to here, I always show them.
Because, the fish was seen in Japan only I guess.

If you search some activity in Japan, I want you to consider doing scuba diving in Kushimoto.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Sumisaki, Bizen, Good Wrasse world

The American guest came our shop.

We try to find macro creatures today.

July 8, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 26~30℃
Water Temperature: 22~25℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(3~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0~1.5m

I dived with American guest in last night and today.
He likes Nudibranchs and macro creatures.

So, I try to find various of macro creatures, especially nudibranch.
There still are many nudibranchs in Kushimoto area.

At last night, we can see Japanese pigmy sea horse.
It is so rare!! So, I’m so happy to find it at night diving.

At night, some nudi become active.
So, it is easier to find them.

We can see so many nudibranchs for two days!!!!

We could see many kinds of Nudibranchs.
Now, the number of Tambja Nudi is increasing.

The size is so small!!
It is better to use camera to see this nudibranchs.

And there also are two frog fish in a bay side dive area.


Can you find frog fish in this pic??
The frog fish is good at hiding. So, I have to search where the frog fish are.

I had good time for two days.
I wonder if he could have good  dive in our shop.

Other overseas guest will come to our shop tomorrow.
I will do my best to increase the number of overseas tourists who come to our shop.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Spotfin frogfish, Tambja amakusana, Hypselodoris setoensis


Sumisaki, Bizen, Good Wrasse world

The water temperature is changing

The bottom water temperature is 20 degree

June 29, 2024

Weather: Cloudy⇨Sunny
Ground Temperature: 24~28℃
Water Temperature: 20~23℃
Wind Direction: Southwest(3m/s)
Swell: 1.0~1.5m

The sea condition is still rough….
But we can dive in a whole day.

I was surprised that the water temperature is getting lower.
It is 20 degree today(^^;)

Today’s guest likes to see tiny underwater creatures.
So, I show them tiny nudibranchs so much.

Can you find the nudibranch in this picture ??
The size is about 0.5mm.
When I can find underwater creatures like this size, I’m so happy!!!

Recently, the number of Striped butterfly fish is increasing.

The color is so beautiful(^^)

Some Cardinalfish protect their eggs in their mouth.
It is difficult to observe with you eyes. I recommend you to use compact camera.

The water temperature changes from day to day, which makes it hard for the fish.

I hope the water temperature is warmer than today.
See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Striped butterfly fish, Goldstriped cardinafish, Tambja amakusana


Sumisaki, Good Wrasse world

The best season for observing ecological behavior

We can see many kind of ecological behavior of fishes.

June 22, 2024

Weather: Sunny⇨Rainy
Ground Temperature: 20~26℃
Water Temperature: 23℃
Wind Direction: Southeast(3~4m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

It was sunny at the this morning, but it became rainy afternoon…
The sea was so calm. So we were able to dive without stress today.

Now, it is the best season to observing ecological behavior.

Various of cardinalfish has their eggs in a mouth to protect now.
They usually close a mouth.
If you want to take a picture of these fishes, you have to wait for the fish to open its mouth.

We could also see baby Southern boxfish today.
It is first time for me to see in this season.

It is so cute!!!! It looks like dice, doesn’t it??

At last dive, we could see rare shrimp.

The body is clear. So it is hard to see this shrimp with eyes.
But, it is lucky when you can see this.

Also, Now is the best season to observe the clownfish eggs hatching.

Clownfish eggs hatching start at night. So we often go to night dive to see this behavior.
If you want to do night diving, please feel free to let us know!!

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Goldstriped cardinafish, Clownfish eggs, Southern boxfish, Ring-tailed cardinafish


Sumisaki, Bizen, Good Wrasse world

We saw various of underwater creatures today!!

The W.temp is getting warmer.

June 6, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 17~25℃
Water Temperature: 20℃
Wind Direction: East(3~4m/s)
Swell: 0.5m

Singaporean guest came to our shop today!!
It’s first time to dive in Japan.

So, I showed him various of underwater creatures today.
This angel fish lives in the coast around Honshu.

The color is beautiful!! So, It is expensive fish as aquarium.
But, don’t catch it….haha

And I introduce tiny sea sulg.
When I dive with overseas tourists, I always introduce it.

The color is similar to Pokemon Pikachu, isn’t it??

And, the number of this fish is increasing  recently.

This fishes is famous fish in Kushimoto.
When you come to Kushimoto, I want you to see them!!

These are so many underwater creatures in Kushimoto area.
I guess you must enjoy diving!!

After this term, you will be able to see ecological behavior of fishes.
It is so interesting !!!

From now to October is the best season for diving in a year.
If you stay at Japan in this term, Please come and visit us!!

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Pikachu seaslug, Japanese pigmy angel fish, Striped butterfly fish


Sumisaki, Bizen, Good Wrasse world

So many fishes

We could see many fishes today!!.

June 2, 2024

Weather: Could⇨Sunny
Ground Temperature: 16~23℃
Water Temperature: 18~20℃
Wind Direction: Sorthwest(2~3m/s)
Swell: 0.5m

I went to diving for seeing a school of fishes and Ecological behavior of underwater creautres.

In this season, Big-fin reef squid is laying an eggs on seaweed.

The size is so big, so we can see the exciting situation in our dive site now!!!

And some Anemone fish also lay an eggs.

We can see the eggs for the first time in this year!!!
I think many Anemone fish will start laying an eggs after this time.

I want to show you this fishes the best today!!

There are so many Chicken Grunt in bayside area.
The number would be 500 I guess.
It’s so dynamic !!!! It looks like Barracuda, doesn’t it??

We can meet a school of fishes at end of the dive.

They suddenly get close to us and swam around us!!!
It is so lucky thing!!!!

The water temperature is changing day by day.
But, it is getting warmer and warmer.

Overseas tourist will come to our shop on nextweek.
I try to search some underwater creatures that make them happy.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Bigfin reef squid, Chicken Grunt, Anemone fish's egg, White trevally


Bizen, Good Wrasse world

Interesting combination!!!

We become able to see various of underwater creatures .

May 24, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 19~25℃
Water Temperature: 19℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(3~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0~2.0m

The water temperature is getting warmer!!
I think I can dive with wet suit now.

We can find out cute frog fish today!!

The number of frog fish is getting fewer.
So, the finding is so lucky !!!

And we could see a interesting combination today.

Two shrimps lives in holes next to each other.
The body color is so beautiful!!
So, I like this shrimp.

Next one is this pics.

Skeleton shrimp ride on a sea slug!!
Some shrimp ride on a sea slug but this case is so rare!!!

Others, there is Japanese pigmy sea horse in bay side area.
This sea horse lives in Japan only.

In this season, we can see a spawning behavior of Big fin reef squid.

That scene is so dynamic!!!
I want everyone to see this behavior !!!

See you then(^-^)

Inquiry (English)


Japanese pigmy sea horse, Bigfin reef squid, Nembrotha sp.2, Giant frogfish


Sumisaki, Bizen, Good Wrasse world, Same-no-hire

It was so exciting!!!

We met so many Greater Amberjack

May 14, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 15~23℃
Water Temperature: 18~20℃
Wind Direction: Northeast(3~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

The sea become calm.
So, we could dive without stress today.

At the morning, we went to the dive point of out of the ocean.
There wasn’t big fishes, but we could see various of macro creatures.

This shrimp is called “Emperor shirimp” in English.
They usually live on the seaslug.
The color of the background is so beautiful. So, many Japanese divers likes this satiation.

At second dives, we met so many Greater Amberjack!!!
The size is huge !!!!
This scene is so exciting !!!!

Others, we sould meet Giant frog fish at last dive.

The size is also big!!!
When we went to the area that we don’t usually go, I could find it!!

I think it is important thing to go to the area that we don’t usually go.

Then, the sea condition will be  calm tomorrow!!!!
I wish we will be able to dive without stress.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Emperor shrimp, Giant Frog Fish, Greater Ambrjack


Good Wrasse world, Ni-No-Ne, Same-no-hire

We met various underwater creatures

We can dive in a whole day.

May 13th, 2024

Weather: Rainy
Ground Temperature: 20~21℃
Water Temperature: 18~19℃
Wind Direction: Northeast(3~5m/s)
Swell: 1.0~1.5m

The  whether forecast said there is high waves and strong wind today.
But, there isn’t high waves today. So, we can dive in a whole day(^^)

The water temperature is getting warmer at the morning but  finally it is changes the same temperature as yesterday…

At the morning, we could see Japanese angel shark.

The shark is usually seen in winter season.
It looks like stingray, doesn’t it??

Due to the meandering of the Kuroshio Current, the underwater environment is also changing slightly.
The fish lives in east area few years ago, but it is seen in Kushimoto area recently.

Also, there is cute eel in bay side area.

The color of the mouth is beautiful(^^)
So, I like this fish!!!

It will be sunny tomorrow. And the sea condition become calm as well.
I guess we can dive easier  than today.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Yellowmouth moray, Luna lionfish, Japanese angel shark


Sumisaki, Bizen, Good Wrasse world