Best season for Nudibranch

There are so many Nudibranchs now!!

July 24, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 27~32℃
Water Temperature: 20~23℃
Wind Direction: Southwest(3~5m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

It was fine day today.
But the water temperature is still low…..

It was about 20~23 degree.
I think you need to wear inner vest.

However, low water temperature aren’t all bad.
We can see many kinds of nudibranchs now.

We saw these nudibranchs today.

First one is Pikachu Nudibranch.

Almost Pikachu is tiny haha
The size is 2mm~ 8mm.

And we can also see Tambja Nudibranch.

At last dive, we went to the place where pigmy sweepers gather.

The place is so exciting !!!!
I believe you should see it at least once.

Around this school of fishes, many groupers were gathering.

They aim to pigmy sweepers.
I think we will not be able to see this school of fishes soon, I guess.

The surge caused typhoon will come to Kushimoto tomorrow .
I hope it will not affect more…

We will go to night diving for observing coral spawning.
I hope I will be able to see it.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Bizen, Sumisaki, Asaji