We did diving point round trip today

We could see various of situation .

June 12, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 20~28℃
Water Temperature: 20~21℃
Wind Direction: East(3m/s)
Swell: 0.5m

It was so nice day today!!

There is dolphin near a beach.
The dolphin get close to our boat when we go to the place she stay at.

It so cute(^^)
I hope she stay at here for a long time.

At the morning, we went to dive point which has small cave.

It was exciting to go though small cave!!!

At this point, we can always see many snappers.

Sometimes, Greater amberjack comes to this point.

Now, Big fin reef squid is spawning eggs.

Jaw fish protect their eggs in their mouth.

At this moment, we can see the situation of protecting eggs or spawning.

Do you like moray??
There are many moray in Kushimoto area.

You can see many kinds of fishes and situation in our dive site.
I hope everyone to come to Kushimoto for diving!!!

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Bigfin reef squid, Tiger moray, Dubble-lined snapper


Bizen, Sumisaki, Same-no-hire