We can dive easily today!!

There are so many kinds of macro creatures.

September  13, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 25~32℃
Water Temperature: 27~28℃
Wind Direction: Northeast(3~5m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

Australian guest came to our shop today.
The number of overseas guests is getting more and more!!

I’m so happy many overseas guest to come to Kushimoto!!!

When they come to here, I always try to show them Japanese pigmy sea horse.

The sea horse is endemic to Japan.
So, I want everyone to see it.

Also, I usually show Japanese pigmy angel fish as well.

Recently, The guest who likes nudibranch come to our shop!!
I guess the number of these is getting more. So, I want to the guest who like nudi to come on the end of the Oct or Nov.

There might be many nidibranchs in our dive site.

And now, there are so many Long-nose hawkfish now.

And there are so many herrings in bay side area.

So, you can see some a school of fishes and macro creatures.

The autumn is the best to dive in Kushimoto.
I hope many overseas tourist come to Kuhsimoto!!

See you then(^^)

Inquiry (English)


Japanese pigmy sea horse, Silver-stripe round fishes, Longnose hawkfish, Japanese pigmy angel fish


Bizen, Same-no-hire