串本の生きもの / Japanese pigmy sea horse

Interesting combination!!!

We become able to see various of underwater creatures .

May 24, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 19~25℃
Water Temperature: 19℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(3~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0~2.0m

The water temperature is getting warmer!!
I think I can dive with wet suit now.

We can find out cute frog fish today!!

The number of frog fish is getting fewer.
So, the finding is so lucky !!!

And we could see a interesting combination today.

Two shrimps lives in holes next to each other.
The body color is so beautiful!!
So, I like this shrimp.

Next one is this pics.

Skeleton shrimp ride on a sea slug!!
Some shrimp ride on a sea slug but this case is so rare!!!

Others, there is Japanese pigmy sea horse in bay side area.
This sea horse lives in Japan only.

In this season, we can see a spawning behavior of Big fin reef squid.

That scene is so dynamic!!!
I want everyone to see this behavior !!!

See you then(^-^)

Inquiry (English)


Japanese pigmy sea horse, Bigfin reef squid, Nembrotha sp.2, Giant frogfish


Sumisaki, Bizen, Good Wrasse world, Same-no-hire

International team

The American guest came to our shop today.

March 25, 2024

Weather: Rainy
Ground Temperature: 13~17℃
Water Temperature: 16℃
Wind Direction: Northeast(3~4m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

It was rainy day…
But the sea condition was calm today!!

I went to diving with American guest.
I’m happy  foreigner tourist to come to our shop.

She said there are various of creature in Kushimoto.
I think so!!! Kushimoto area has various of underwater creatures.

I introduced many kind of underwater creatures unique to Japan.

First of all, I could find “Japanese pigmy sea hourse”.
I usually want every foreigner divers to see it!!

The size is so tiny!!!
It is hard to take a pic of that. But, it can be seen in japan only.

And that fish lives in Japan’s sea only.
That name is “Japanese pigmy angel fish”.

The body color is so beautiful!!!
When you dive in Japan, you should see it, I guess.

We did three dives in a day!!
I hope she enjoyed todays diving!!

Other foreigner tourist will come to our shop on Wednesday.
I will try to find out many kinds of underwater creatures.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Japanese pigmy sea horse, Japanese pigmy angel fish


Sumisaki, Bizen, Good Wrasse world

Various of macro underwater creatures

I could enjoy diving with observing macro creatures.

March 16,2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 10~19℃
Water Temperature: 16~17℃
Wind Direction: Southwest(3~6m/s)
Swell: 0.5~1.0m

I have been searching nudibranchs only recently.
But, I did normal style diving today for a while.

As I went to various of dive site in February, so I didn’t know where the creatures are.
But, I could recover the information where the creatures are.

Now, there is Japanese pigmy seahorse in bay side area.
She is so friendly. So we can take a picture easily.

And I could meet rare situation.
The nudiobranch(Sagaminopteron ornatum) was swimming.

It seems like Clione, dosen’t it??
In spring season, we meet this situation more than other season.

This rock shrimp is the creatures that our guest is most interested in.

It’s small even if the shrimp grow up.
The size is about 5cm. It’s so cute(^^)

At last, I wanna show you this scene.

Did you find out wired point???

Actually,  tiny nudibranch was walking on a face of frogfish haha

I notice that scene when I took a logging with our guest.
I was so surprised!!!!

The water temperature is still 16 degree.
But, Now is the best timing for practicing dry suit diving.

If you wanna experience drysuit diving, Now is the best!!!

I’m looking forward to hearing from you!!
See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Japanese pigmy sea horse, Giant frogfish, Sagaminopteron ornatum, Favorinus pacificus, Chelarctus cultrifer


Sumisaki, Bizen, Ni-No-Ne

Nice condition!!!

The visibility is so nice today.

January 29, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 4~13℃
Water Temperature: 17℃
Wind Direction: Southwest(1m/s)
Swell: 0.5m

I went to research diving today.
Recently, there are so many kind of macro creatures in bay side diving point.
So, I have been diving mainly to look for macro underwater creatures.

At first, I could find Japanese pigmy sea horse.

In Japan, there is a custom called zodiac signs, and this year, Tatsu is the creature of the year. This sea horse is called “Hachijyo-tasu” in Japanese.

So many Japanese divers want to take a picture of that.

And I also could find rare shrimp.

It is Phycocaris simulans.
It liiks like sea weed. So it is hard to find it.

Others, there are various of seaslugs.

Seaslug’s color is so beautiful!!!
So many divers likes seaslug!!!

I will be in charge of Advanced Open Water diver corse.
I will enjoy diving tomorrow as well!!

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Japanese pigmy sea horse, Phycocaris simulans, Goniobranchus roboi (Gosliner & Behrens, Caloria indica (Bergh, Placida babai Ev. Marcus



It’s nice day for diving!!!

The whether is fine today!!

July 11, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 26~30℃
Water Temperature: 19~25℃
Wind Direction: Sorthwest(3~4m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

It was sunny and nice day today!!
The ground temperature is very high but the water temperature is getting lower.

The lowest w. temp is 19 degree.
I hope the water temperature become high.

Today, I can find out many Japapigu today.

One of the point, there is two japapigu at the same place.
They sometimes fight with each other.

The behavior is so cute(^^)

And then, I want to show you other cute fish.

It is so cute, isn’t it??
I like this fish. Because the eye is so cute!!!

By the way, this fish is tiny.

At last dive, I can see rare fish.

It is called ” Leaf scorpionfish” in English.
The fish mimics the surrounding seaweed.
It is hard to find out this fish every time .

Others, there are many kinds of shrimps in Kushimoto area.

Some shrimp has a eggs in their stomach.
And I can see new eggs in their head.

The body color is clear, so I can see inside of the body.

It will be nice day for diving tomorrow.
I hope I can see rare fish and many under water creatures.

see you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Japanese pigmy sea horse, Clear Cleaner shrimp, Leaf scorpionfish, Moyer's dragonet


Sumisaki, Bizen

The W.temp is getting warmer

Comfortable in a wetsuit

June 28, 2023

Weather: Cloudy
Ground Temperature: 23~28℃
Water Temperature: 23~25℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(3~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0~1.5m

It was nice day for diving today.
The w.temp is little bit cold at morning, and it is getting warmer at noon.

It’s about 24 degree.
Almost guest don’t feel cold in a whole dive.

The number of young fish is increasing recently.
We can see many kinds of cute fishes in diving point.

And there are many Japapigu in many diving point.
The size is about 1cm. It’s so hard to see with your eyes.

It is better to use digital camera for observing it.

I heard you can see this sea horse in Japan only.
So, when foreign tourists dome to Kushimoto, I want every tourists to see it.

At last, I will show you this fish.
It is called Moss fringehead in English. Also, we call it “Kokeginpo” in Japanese.

The fish live in a hole usually.
It is hard to find out this fish. But, if you can find it, I’m so happy!!

Then, I will go trial diving with foreign tourists tomorrow.
I will do my best to show them the beautiful sights.

I wonder I will go the dive point that has many table coral.

Sere you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Japanese pigmy sea horse, Moss fringehead, Moyer's dragonet


Sumisaki, Bizen, Good Wrasse world

So many Japapig

I can find many japapig today.

June 27, 2023

Weather: Cloudy→Sunny
Ground Temperature: 24~28℃
Water Temperature: 24℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(3m/s)
Swell: 0.5~1.0m

It was nice day today.
And the visibility is also nice. So we can enjoy diving without any stress.

In the morning, we can see the behavior of big squid spawning at out of the ocean.

There are many Big fin reef squids in the same place.
They come to there for spawning.

In this time, we can get closer them.
So, it’s easy to take a pics of them close.

And I can found out many Japapig.

We can see 4 Japapig in a dive.
I think the number of it is very much now.

Others there are clear fishes in bay side dive point.

I don’t know when this scene will disappear .
So, If you wanna see it, I recommend you to come as soon as possible.

Then, It will be nice day tomorrow .
I will enjoy diving tomorrow as well!!

See you then(^^

Inquiry (English)


Japanese pigmy sea horse, Bigfin reef squid, Swallowtail cardinalfish


Sumisaki, Good Wrasse world, Ni-No-Ne

It’s very nice condition today!!

The visibility was 30m today!!

June 23, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 23~28℃
Water Temperature: 23~24℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(3~4m/s)
Swell: 1.0~1.5m

Today’s sea is very good condition for diving.
Because the visibility is 30m and w.temp is 24 degree.

We could enjoy diving without stress today!!
I hope this condition will be continuing.

At morning, we can meet sea turtle.
The water is blue, so we can take a beautiful picture of sea turtle.

This turtle is very friendly. So we could hang out with it for a while.

Recently , the number of Japanese pigmy sea horse  is increasing , I think.

This sea horse live in Japan only.
So, I want every foreigner visit to see it.

The size is 5mm~ 1cm. If you want to see the details, I recommend you to bring digital camera.

In this season, many kinds of fishes are spawning and protecting their eggs.

Almost Clown fish are protecting their eggs.
If you are lucky, you can see the situation of hatching out at night.

If you want to see it, please ask to staff.

Then, It will be sunny and warm day. And the sea will be calm.
So, I think we can enjoy diving tomorrow as well.

Thank you for your reading.
See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Japanese pigmy sea horse, Sea turtle, Clown fish


Sumisaki, Bizen, Good Wrasse world

Japanese Pigmy Seahourse

It’s tiny but cute.

October 25, 2022

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 18~23℃
Water Temperature: 24℃
Wind Direction: South→Southwest(2~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0~1.5m

The visibility keep good. Today’s visibility is 20~25m!!
It’s so clear.

The w.temp is 24 degree. So, you can dive with wetsuit I guess.
But, ground temperature is getting lower.

So, I recommend you to bring something to protect wind.

Then, I could find tiny creature that is hard to find.
That is Japanese pigmy seahourse.

The size is 5mm.
It’s tiny. So, when you observe it, you may have to bring microscope or Camera.

And at last dive, I met Blu-ringed octopus.
The octopus is rare in Kushimoto.

The blue ring is beautiful but they have strong poison in their mouth.
So, when you observe them, Please be careful not to be bitten.

I think drysuit are recommended after next month.
Even if you haven’t wear, we will practice how to use drysuit at first, so please come and try it.

I’m happy that the number of foreign guest is increasing recently.
I hope many foreign guest come to Kushimoto area.

Please come and visit us!!

See you then!!

Inquiry (English)


Japanese pigmy sea horse, Blue-ringed octopus


Sumisaki, Bizen, Good Wrasse world

W.TEmp is getting lower….

I hope Kuroshio current come back.。

June 4, 2022

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 19~25℃
Water Temperature: 19~23℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(3~5m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

Today, the visibility and water temperature is getting lower…
The lowest w.temp is 19 degree.

I recommend you to wear Dry suit.
When you choose wet suit,  it is better to wear hood and vest.

Water temperature  is so cold, but there are many kind of macro creatures.
So, we can enjoy diving today.

I’ll sow you the creatures that we met today.

Japanese Pigmy Seahorse

I like this situation. Because  it’s so beautiful.

Coz  the water temperature is getting lower,   the number of Nudibranch is getting increasing.

This size is about 5mm.
It’s very small. So, If I can find out, I’m so happy!!!

The Forecast said it will be rainy tomorrow.
I hope that the visibility and water temperature is getting higher.

Thank you for your reading.

See you next blog!!


Japanese pigmy sea horse, Nudibranch

