I like searching macro creatures

We were able to see various macro underwater creatures.

August 13, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 26~34℃
Water Temperature: 23~28℃
Wind Direction: South(1~3m/s)
Swell: 0.5m

Good sea condition keep well for a week.
So, we can dive easily.

Today, I try to find out macro underwater creatures.
I really like to find macro creatures!!!

We  saw Japanese pigmy seahorse today.
This seahorse are staying at the same place.

And there are still many kinds of sea slugs.

The size is tiny.It is about 2mm.
But the color is so beautiful!!!

This situation is so beautiul, isn’t it??
Some goby lives in soft coral.
Many Japanese diver likes this situation.

I guess the number of baby jawfish is getting more!!!
It so cute!!!

We will dive three times in a day!!
The sea condition will be calm tomorrow as well.

See you then(^^)

Inquiry (English)


Bizen, Sumisaki, Kichiemon