Breeding season start

Many kinds of underwater creatures are breeding.

May 22, 2023

Weather: Rainy→Sunny
Ground Temperature:19~24℃
Water Temperature: 20~21℃
Wind Direction: East→west(3m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

It was a little chilly in the morning today, but from noon it becomes warm like summer.
I think you can dive with a wetsuit without feeling cold.

Then, The breeding season start in this week.
Some Damselfish are protecting their eggs and lay an eggs.

The father usually protect their eggs.
Also, Nemo lay an eggs as well.

I showed you the movie of behavior spawning of Bigfin reef squids.
I can also observe it today.

There are 20~25 squids.

Sometimes, the male squid was fighting.
It’s so dynamic.
This situation is shown in this season, so if you come to Kushimoto in May.
I want you to see it!!

Others, there are macro creatures.
The hermit crab lives in the place which is so beautiful.

If you usually take a pictures, I recommend you to go to here.
The backside shell is very beautiful.

At last, I show you the seaweed that looks like flower.
It’s tiny, but when you take a picture of it, you can gain in beauty.

The sea of Kushimoto has a beautiful sight, many kinds of creatures and potential, I think.
I hope the people from all over the world will know the charm of our dive site.

I will do my best to convey the charm of Kushimoto to the world.

When you come to Japan, please make a plan to come to Kushimoto.
See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Bigfin reef squid, Ficopomatus enigmaticus, Smokey chromis, Hydrocoryne miurensis


Sumisaki, Good Wrasse world