We could met many pipe fishes today

We were so lucky to meet rare fishes.

July 26, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 27~33℃
Water Temperature: 20~21℃
Wind Direction: Southwest(2~3m/s)
Swell: 1.0~1.5m

The surge due to typhoon was still big…
The water temperature is 20~21 degree.

In this weekends, many guest will come to our shop!
So, I think I should tell them real sea condition.

Many kinds of fishes spawn or protect their eggs now.
The behavior is so cute(^^)

Also, baby fishes is getting more and more.

There are many long nose hawk fishes recently.

At last dive, we were able to see many kinds of pipe fishes.

All of them are so rare!!!

We were so lucky to see them!!!

Tomorrow will be weekend.
Many guest will come to our shop.

I hope the water temperature will be warmer than today soon.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Ghost pipe fish, Longnose hawkfish, Sawtail blenny