Tiny underwater creature

There are many sea slug in Kushimoto  now!!

April  22, 2021

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 17~21℃
Water Temperature: 18~19℃
Wind Direction: Northeast(3m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

Today, I search for sea slug.
I can find various of sea slug!!

The sea slug that I was most happy to find today is this one.

This color is so beautiful,  isn’t it??
The size is 2mm.

Then, I can find the sea slug that looks like rabbit.

It’s so cute(^^)  This sea slug is called “Zouge-iro-umiusi” in Japanese.
Zougeiro means Ivory color in Japanese.


This sea slug has eye. So, the face is so cute.
We can observe it after spring season.
If you come to Kushimoto, please find it by your self.

When you can find it, you must be happy!!!

The foreign guest will come to our shop tomorrow.
The number of inquiry from overseas is getting more recently.

I’m so happy to take many inquiry from overseas.
I hope the number of inquiry is more and more.

I will do may best to convey the charm of Kushimoto’s sea to overseas people.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Sumisaki, Bizen, Ni-No-Ne