Moray attack baby box fish

I was surprised to see the situation.

August 19, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 25~32℃
Water Temperature: 25~27℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(3~5m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

We went to out of the ocean today.
The sea is getting calm, so we can go there.

The visibility is not good, but there are many fishes in that dive point.

I watched shocking scene.

After I see this baby boxfish, moray suddenly appeared.
Then, our guest see the fish, moray eat the boxfish……

I was so surprised to hear that.
Our guest take a movie of this situation.

I went to go to diving in bayside area afternoon.
There is Tomato grouper and pigmy sweeper.

The place is the most famous place in Kushimoto area.
I hope the situation will keep for a long time.

Others, we can see tiny sea slug.

The number of sea slug is getting more in winter.
But, we can still see it in this season.

We will dive in a whole day.
I hope the visibility will  become good tomorrow .

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Sumisaki, Bizen, Ni-No-Ne