Underwater Christmas tree

There is  Christmas tree in dive point.

December 13, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 10~17℃
Water Temperature: 19~20℃
Wind Direction: west(3m/s)
Swell: 0.5m

Christmas season will come soon.
In Kushimoto area, there is Christmas tree in dive point.

It has also been featured on news programs.
It become popular spot recently.

Also, there are many fishes in bay side area.

This situation is popular thing as well.
You can see this situation in winter season.

So, if you want to see them, please come to Kushimoto in winter season.

On the other hands, there is macro creatures.

Tiny frog fish is so cute!!
The size is 5mm.

You can see various of sea slug as well.

Sea slug is so colorful!!

Japanese diver likes sea slug.
So, I often try to find sea slug.

At last week ends, I can found out 50 species for two days.
I think there are so many types in Kushimoto.

If you wanna see macro creatures, Kushimoto area is the best place.
You can experience dry suit diving in this season.

You can have a good time in this season, I guess.

Please come and visit us!!

See you then(^^)


Inquiry (English)


Christmas tree


Sumisaki, Bizen