Various of Underwater creatures

We can see many kinds of underwater creatures now.

July 17, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 25~30℃
Water Temperature: 22~24℃
Wind Direction: Southwest(3m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

The sunny day is continuing recently.
So we can enjoy diving without stress.

The water temperature is about 23 degree.
Almost Japanese diver dive with wetsuit.

At the morning, we could see spawning behavior of wrasse.

When female wrasse spawn eggs, many male wrasse chase her.
The situation is so dynamic.

Also, we could see many painted sweetlips.
I guess they were gathering at there for spawning behavior.

We can see this scene in this term every year.

This pics is the most impressive thing for me today.

It is eggs of Bob squid.
The size is 1cm. so  it is tiny.
But we can see baby bob squid in this eggs.
It is so cute!!!

The baby bob squid is like this size.I guess it is about 5mm.

Others we can see many kinds of nudibranchs now.

If you like nudibranchs, now is the best season.

It will be sunny day tomorrow.
We will be able to enjoy diving tomorrow as well!!

See you then(^^)

Inquiry (English)


Sumisaki, Good Wrasse world, Kichiemon