After passing typhoon

Typhoon made our shop close for a week.

September 2, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 26~32℃
Water Temperature: 27℃
Wind Direction: Southeast(1~3m/s)
Swell: 0.5m

The typhoon named Shanshan made our shop close for a week…
We cannot dive for a week.

So, we went to research dive today.
I worry if underwater creatures were gone, but almost underwater creatures still stay at the same place.

There wasn’t huge surge for a week, but the situation of underwater was changed a little bit.

However, some goby still live in a same place.

Filament-finned prawn-goby was swimming a lot.
I guess they are so hungry due to typhoon. lol

On the other hands, Black sailfin goby looks exhausted.
They didn’t spread their fin at all.

When it doesn’t spread fin, it look like a branch, doesn’t it?

We also meet a shrimp named “Dasycaris zanzibarica”.
The shrimp is a little bit rare in Kushimoto area.

Others, we were able to meet Japanese pigmy seahorse as well.

This time, the typhoon didn’t seem to have much of an impact underwater.

We will restart diving from tomorrow.
I wonder if we can meet many kinds of underwater creatures tomorrow!!!

Foreigner tourists will come to our shop tomorrow.
I will do my best our guest to have a good time!!!

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Japanese pigmy sea horse, Black sailfin goby, Filament-finned prawn-goby, Dasycaris zanzibarica

