Happy New year!!

There are many frog fishes in Kushimoto!!

January 3, 2024

Weather: Cloudy⇨Rainy
Ground Temperature: 7~13℃
Water Temperature: 17~18℃
Wind Direction: Southeast(3m/s)
Swell: 0.5m

Happy new year!!
Thank you for reading this blog last year.

I hope you will read this blog again this year.

Today, I dive three times in a day.
There are many frog fishes in our dive site.
So, I observed all of frog fishes as much as possible.

Especially , I want to see this frogfish.

Red and white color are colors that remind us of the beginning of the year.
So, I want to show you this pic.

This frog fish is so cute, isn’t it??

Also, we saw other color pattern frog fishes.

Frogfish is the one of popular fish in Japan.
So, when I could find it by myself, I feel so happy.

Others, there are various of seaslugs.

There are many kinds of macro creatures in Kushimoto area.
So, you can see various of creatures now.

Foreign tourist will come to our shop on next weekend.
I’m looking forward to dive with them.

You can experience drysuit diving in our shop.
I teach you how to use drysuit, so you will be able to enjoy diving with drysuit.

I’m waiting for you coming Kushimoto.
See you then, and, thank you for your continued support.

Inquiry (English)


Warty Frogfish, Giant Frog Fish, Whitesaddle goatfish


Sumisaki, Bizen, Good Wrasse world