Water temperature is still cold….

it was about 22 degree.

July 10, 2024

Weather: Sunny ⇨Rainy
Ground Temperature: 28~30℃
Water Temperature: 22~26℃
Wind Direction:Southwest(4~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

It was rainy this afternoon.
But, we can dive in a whole day.

Water temperature is 22 degree. Most Japanese people feel cold underwater.
You need to wear inner vest I guess.

Although water temperature is still cold, fish is so active recently.

At some of point, there are so many pigmy sweepers.
In this area, there is a Tomato grouper.

The situation is one of famous in Kushimoto.

We can also see various of nudibranchs.

I think the number of nudibranchs is more than usual.
If you like nudibranch, this year is the best!!!

Others, we can see many various of fishes in Kushimoto area as well.

We can see Leaf scorpion fish in second dive.
They are good at hiding. So it’s hard to find them.

It will be windy day tomorrow .
I hope we will be able to  dive in a whole day….

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Bizen, Sumisaki