Nice sea condition keep good for a long time.

We can enjoy diving for a long days.

August 7, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 26~33℃
Water Temperature: 23~26℃
Wind Direction: Southwest(3m/s)
Swell: 0.5m

It was so nice day for diving today!!
So, we can enjoy diving recently.

The water temperature is about 23~27 degree.
Almost guest don’t feel cold underwater at all.

I was in charge of AOW course yesterday and today.

Today’s guest was interested in this fish.
Can you notice the fish in this pic?

They are so good at hiding.
So it is hard to find them. They looks like seaweed, doesn’t it??

The number of baby fishes is more and more.

Baby fishes are cute!!!
I like to see baby fishes.

We can see many dragonet on the rock recently.

Few days ago, the size of this fish is almost less than 1cm, but now it become more than 3cm.

It is so fast to grow up!!!

It will be sunny day tomorrow .
We will be able to enjoy diving as well!!!

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Good Wrasse world, Kichiemon