The swell continues

The ground conditions are good but swell continues .

September 18, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 25~32℃
Water Temperature: 24~29℃
Wind Direction: Southwest(3~5m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

After coming typhoon, fine whether continues. But the swell also continues….
The sea condition is not bad. so we can enjoy diving everyday.

I hope the swell will be gone as soon as possible.

There is sea moth now.
But, I always take a long time to find it.

Maybe this fish and I just don’t get along well.
Some creatures are easy to find, but others, like this fish, are hard to find. This phenomenon may be common among the guide staff.

Water temperature is 24-29 degree.
I think it is high for sea slug, but there still are many sea slugs now.

We can see different kinds of nudibranchs( sea slug) in winter and summer.
It is one of charm of the Kushimoto’s sea.

At last, I will show you this pics.

I like this picture because it is dynamic, I guess.

Then, We will dive three times in a day tomorrow.
I hope the sea condition will be better than today!!!

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Good Wrasse world, Kichiemon, Nakaguromi