串本の生きもの / Orangutan crab

There was surge in bayside dive site.

Typhoon is getting closer to here now….

May 28, 2024

Weather: Rainy
Ground Temperature: 21~23℃
Water Temperature: 20℃
Wind Direction: Southwest(6~10m/s)
Swell: 1.5m

We went to diving in the morning.
Because the wind was getting heavier and heavier.

In face, the wind become strong afternoon.
I was relieved that  we can finish diving by noon.

On the other hands, underwater condition is still nice.
The visibility was 15m and the water temperature was 20 degree.

Today, we saw various of macro underwater creatures.

This frog fish  disappeared on Sunday, but she come back again.
I wonder where she was going.

Recently, there are many shrimps in our dive site.

Have you ever seen it??
It looks like Orangutan, isn’t it?
So we call it “Orangutan crab”.

And then, we often saw this crab as well.

The body color is so beautiful!!
There are many different color types.

In this season, we are able to see the  protecting eggs behavior of some fishes.

Father Jawfish usually protect their eggs in their mouth.
If you observe their mouth cautiously, you may be able to see many eggs in the mouth.

Others, there are so many kinds of underwater creatures now.
You must enjoy diving in Kushimoto in this term.

I want many overseas people to come to Kushimoto for diving!!
See you then(^^)

Inquiry (English)


jawfish, Giant frogfish, Orangutan crab, Hyastenus diacanthus

Psychedelic sea slug

I met big psychedelic sea slug.

December 24, 2023

Weather: Cloudy sometimes Rainy
Ground Temperature: 7~10℃
Water Temperature: 18℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(6~8m/s)
Swell: 1.5~2.0m

Today, I went to dive for taking macro creatures today.

In a first dive, I found psychedelic sea slugs.

It’s very big!!
The size is about 10cm.

There was also a very small sea slugs nearby.

In winter, there are various of shrimps and crabs.

Recently, I often find Orangutan crab.
It looks like Orangutan , doesn’t it?

And I find  shrimp that stayed in beautiful coral .

The polyps is like a flower.
So, many Japanese diver like this situation.

Now, Kushimoto is snowing .
We will not be able to dive in Kushimoto area tomorrow due to high waves.

We will dive in another dive site.

Inquiry (English)


Nembrotha sp.2, Orangutan crab, Tambja Pulcherrima, sexy shrimp

