串本の生きもの / jawfish

There was surge in bayside dive site.

Typhoon is getting closer to here now….

May 28, 2024

Weather: Rainy
Ground Temperature: 21~23℃
Water Temperature: 20℃
Wind Direction: Southwest(6~10m/s)
Swell: 1.5m

We went to diving in the morning.
Because the wind was getting heavier and heavier.

In face, the wind become strong afternoon.
I was relieved that  we can finish diving by noon.

On the other hands, underwater condition is still nice.
The visibility was 15m and the water temperature was 20 degree.

Today, we saw various of macro underwater creatures.

This frog fish  disappeared on Sunday, but she come back again.
I wonder where she was going.

Recently, there are many shrimps in our dive site.

Have you ever seen it??
It looks like Orangutan, isn’t it?
So we call it “Orangutan crab”.

And then, we often saw this crab as well.

The body color is so beautiful!!
There are many different color types.

In this season, we are able to see the  protecting eggs behavior of some fishes.

Father Jawfish usually protect their eggs in their mouth.
If you observe their mouth cautiously, you may be able to see many eggs in the mouth.

Others, there are so many kinds of underwater creatures now.
You must enjoy diving in Kushimoto in this term.

I want many overseas people to come to Kushimoto for diving!!
See you then(^^)

Inquiry (English)


jawfish, Giant frogfish, Orangutan crab, Hyastenus diacanthus

Research diving

I went to go for research underwater.

May 10, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 11~21℃
Water Temperature: 18~19℃
Wind Direction: East(3~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

I went to go research diving today.

We can observe fish breeding behavior in this season.
Now, many Jawfish protect their eggs in their mouth.

But, Jawfish was eating some food toady…

Sometimes, they jump out from their home.
When they jump out, we can see all of their body.
The case is rare.

We can see this scene in this season only.

The activity of goby is getting more and more.

We usually go to the goby area in summer season.
But, many goby stay out of the home in this year.
It looks like we’ll be seeing a lot of gobies this year.

Have you ever seen this fish??

The shape is strange.
The fish walk on the sand with using their fins.

The shape and behavior is so interesting !!!

Others, there are so many kinds of macro creatures in Kushimoto area.

The water temperature is still 18 degree, but we can enjoy diving so much!!!

Tomorrow will be weekend, we will go to diving three times in a day!!

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


jawfish, Sea moth, Tomiyamichthys sp, Ardeadoris cruenta


Sumisaki, Same-no-hire

Good conditions continue

We could see many fishes today!!

May 8, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 17~22℃
Water Temperature: 19~20℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(3~9m/s)
Swell: 1.0~2.0m

After Golden Week term, it tend to decrease the number of diver.
But, we can see some underwater creatures in our pace.

Good condition continue. The visibility is 10m~15m.
We can see many fishes easily.

We could meet school of Chicken Grunt today!!!

The school is so dynamic !!!
I want everyone to see them!!!

And Jaw fish protect his eggs in his mouth.
The situations are seen in this term.

But, he don’t usually protect it in his mouth. So, it is difficult to see.

Others, there are a various of macro creatures in Bayside area.
You can see many kinds of situation on this season in Kushimoto!!

I think now season is good for diving in Japan!!

See you then(^^)

Inquiry (English)


jawfish, Chicken Grunt, Giant frogfish


Bizen, Sanbira

GW first half finish!!!!

We can dive in Kushimoto area in first term of GW.

April 29, 2024

Weather: Cloudy ⇨Rainy
Ground Temperature: 18~20℃
Water Temperature: 18~19℃
Wind Direction: Northeast(3~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

The sea condition kept so nice in first half of GW.
So, we can dive easily and stressless in this term.

We went to the area that has many gobies.

I could meet same goby which was seen in last year.
I was relived that the goby still lives.

The water temperature is getting warmer and warmer.
So, the activity of fish is more active.

Many Jaw fish aim foods.

Sometimes, they jump out from their house.

I saw rare situation yesterday.
Male ray courting a female ray.  I had never seen its situation before.

I was so excited !!!!!

Tomorrow will be weekdays.
There is not many divers at the sea in weekdays.
So, we could see many underwater creatures in our pace.

When you come to Kansai, please come and visit us!!!
You must be enjoy diving in Kushimoto now!!

See you then(^^)

Inquiry (English)


jawfish, Orange-striped shrimpgoby, Stingray


Sumisaki, Bizen, Ni-No-Ne

There are so many Whitesaddle goatfishes

Write the topic in this line.

December 16, 2023

Weather: Cloudy/Sunny
Ground Temperature: 20~21℃
Water Temperature: 19℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(3~6m/s)
Swell: 1.5m

The forecast said there will be windy day today.
So, I think i cannot dive in Kushimoto area at first.

But, I was able to dive in a whole day contrary to my expectations.
I was relived(^^)

In winter season, you can see so many Whitesaddle goatfish in bay side area.

The number of these is more than usual.
Now is so dynamic!!!
I want you to see this situation!!!

Others, there are so many fishes as well.

And then, you can also see various of macro creatures.
I could find new baby frog fish.

It’s tiny and cute. The size is 5mm.
I hope I can meet again.

And, I can meet rare situtaion.

Hermit crab walk around Jawfish’s hole.
It seems like they have a conversation  haha

You can see many kind of underwater creatures and situation in this term.
So, If you come to Wakayama, please consider to visit Kushimoto for diving.

See you then!!

Inquiry (English)


jawfish, Giant Frog Fish, Whitesaddle goatfish, double-lined fusilier


Sumisaki, Bizen

Nice weekend

The sea condition is so good.

August 28, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 24~29℃
Water Temperature: 25~27℃
Wind Direction: Southeast(3m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

Many guest come to our shop in this weekend.
The sea condition is so calm.

So, our guest enjoy diving in a whole day.

Recently, there are many baby fishes in our area.

This is Bluelined angelfish.
When it grow up, the color is changing completely.

The frog fish that I could find yesterday is still in the same place.
The color is so beautiful.

I hope the frogfish is staying at the same place for a long time.

Now, there are many baby jawfish now.
It is so tiny and cute!!

At last, I will show you rare fish.
Have you ever seen it?

The fish is very unique shape.
The name is Short dragonfish.

It is so rare.
But it i good at hiding, so it is so hard to find it quickly.

I will go to out of the ocean at morning tomorrow .
See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


jawfish, frogfish, Short dragonfish, Blueline angelfish


Bizen, Good Wrasse world, Asaji