It was so exciting!!!

We met so many Greater Amberjack

May 14, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 15~23℃
Water Temperature: 18~20℃
Wind Direction: Northeast(3~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

The sea become calm.
So, we could dive without stress today.

At the morning, we went to the dive point of out of the ocean.
There wasn’t big fishes, but we could see various of macro creatures.

This shrimp is called “Emperor shirimp” in English.
They usually live on the seaslug.
The color of the background is so beautiful. So, many Japanese divers likes this satiation.

At second dives, we met so many Greater Amberjack!!!
The size is huge !!!!
This scene is so exciting !!!!

Others, we sould meet Giant frog fish at last dive.

The size is also big!!!
When we went to the area that we don’t usually go, I could find it!!

I think it is important thing to go to the area that we don’t usually go.

Then, the sea condition will be  calm tomorrow!!!!
I wish we will be able to dive without stress.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Emperor shrimp, Greater Ambrjack, Giant Frog Fish


Good Wrasse world, Ni-No-Ne, Same-no-hire