串本の生きもの / Emperor shrimp

It was so exciting!!!

We met so many Greater Amberjack

May 14, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 15~23℃
Water Temperature: 18~20℃
Wind Direction: Northeast(3~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

The sea become calm.
So, we could dive without stress today.

At the morning, we went to the dive point of out of the ocean.
There wasn’t big fishes, but we could see various of macro creatures.

This shrimp is called “Emperor shirimp” in English.
They usually live on the seaslug.
The color of the background is so beautiful. So, many Japanese divers likes this satiation.

At second dives, we met so many Greater Amberjack!!!
The size is huge !!!!
This scene is so exciting !!!!

Others, we sould meet Giant frog fish at last dive.

The size is also big!!!
When we went to the area that we don’t usually go, I could find it!!

I think it is important thing to go to the area that we don’t usually go.

Then, the sea condition will be  calm tomorrow!!!!
I wish we will be able to dive without stress.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Emperor shrimp, Giant Frog Fish, Greater Ambrjack


Good Wrasse world, Ni-No-Ne, Same-no-hire

Sea condition is so nice recently

There are many silver striped round herrings in bay side dive point

October 2, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 20~27℃
Water Temperature: 26.6℃
Wind Direction: North(2~3m/s)
Swell: 0.5m

Now is the best season for diving in Kushimoto, I guess.

Because, there are various of underwater creatures in our dive site. Recently, there are so many silver striped round herrings in bay side dive point.

And many migratory fish aim them. The scene is so dynamic.
Bonito also aim them.

On the other hands, there are various macro creatures as well.
For examples, frog fish, gobies, shrimps, baby fishes and various tropical fishes.

The things what I want to tell is that the visibility is so nice!!
We can enjoy diving without feeling stress.

I recommend you to come  to Kushimoto area.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Warty Frogfish, Emperor shrimp, Silver-stripe round fishes, Bonito


Sumisaki, Bizen

International team

Today’s seamans club become international .

July 17, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 26~31℃
Water Temperature: 20~23℃
Wind Direction: Southwest(3~4m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

This is Hirotaka Koike.
I’m sorry I cannot update this blog for a while.

Overseas customers visited us every day this weekend.
Our shop becomes international day by day.

I’m so happy many foreign tourist to visit our shop.
Today, my team has three county members who come to Japan,China and Switzerland.

Today’s visibility is not good. So I show them macro creatures.

It isCandy crab. The body color is so beautiful!!
So, it is popular with a wide range of people.

And, I showed our guest this shrimp.

The back ground is orange, so he can take a beautiful picture today.
It’s also popular with overseas guest.

It is a shrimp that leaves an impression because of its white tentacles.

At last, I want to show you emperor angel fish.

This fish changes its pattern as it grows.
When it is young, the pattern is beautiful and unique.

So most diver is impressed this fish.

From now on, overseas guests will come to visit us one after another.
I will do my best  our shop to be more international.

Thank you for coming our shop in this weekend.
See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Emperor shrimp, Candy crab, Emperor angel fish


Sumisaki, Good Wrasse world

Nice visibility

I’ll show you some schools of fishes.

November 9 , 2022

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 18~22℃
Water Temperature: 23℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(1~2m/s)
Swell: 0.5m

Hi, there!!
I didn’t write blog for a long time.

Then, Today I went to research dive.
I think I showed you macro creatures recently.

So, I will show you schools of fishes today.

Now, there are so many fishes in bayside dive point.

There are Russell’s snapper, yellow stripe goat fish, Banded boar fish and so on.
I think this place is the best for taking  a pic of schools of fishes or observing  them.

In this year, the number of White-caudal chromis is more than usual.
The color is yellow, so it’s so beautiful!!

When you make a safety stop, you can see this situation in sunny day.

It looks like aurora. Don’t you think so?

Of course, there are  also so many macro creatures.
Now, the number of emperor shrimp is increasing .

At the end of dive, I can meet lion fish on the top of rock.
It’s so big!!

The visibility is very good and you must be going to enjoy diving!!

I’m looking forward you to come to our shop!!

Bye for now!!

Inquiry (English)


Emperor shrimp, Russell's snapper, White-caudal chromis


Sumisaki, Bizen

We enjoyed photo diving for two days

I enjoyed macro photo diving today.

October 23, 2022

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 18~24℃
Water Temperature: 24℃
Wind Direction: North→West(3~6m/s)
Swell: 0.5~1.0m

It’s sunny day in a weekend.
So, we can enjoy diving without stress.

The visibility is so good!!
All guest looks like enjoying their diving.

Then, I dived in bayside dive point.
There are many small and tiny creatures.

So, The diver who like taking a pics of macro creatures can enjoy in Kushimoto now.
It’s becoming a sea where you don’t have to worry about what to take.

At last,I’ll show you some pics that taken by our guest.

if you come to Kushimoto, you’ll definitely enjoy diving!!
We are looking forward to your visit.

See you next blog.

Inquiry (English)


Emperor shrimp, Ghost pipe fish, Whip coral goby, White-rayed shrimp goby, Japanese inflator filefish, Yellownose prawn-goby, Peacock wrasse, Calvactaea tumida, Anemonefish


Sumisaki, Bizen, Ando-no-hana

Japanese Pigmy Sea Hourse

I was looking for Small creatues today.

15th March, 2022

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 17~23℃
Water Temperature: 17℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(6~8m/s)
Swell: 1.0~1.5m

I go to 3 dives in a day with the guests who like small creatures.
One of the guest want to see Pigmy Sea Horse and Phycocaris simulans.

So, I try to find out it.
As a result, I can find out them.

When I would be happy if I could meet the requests.

Japanese Pigmy Seahorse is about 1cm.
It’s very small and cute!!

There is Emperor Shrimp in our dive site.

These color is so beautiful!! I like this combination(^^)

At last, please introduce a blog that I join.
The blog’s name is “Kushimoto-koza guide”.

the blog association has 5 members. I write the blog in English  in 14th every month.
If you have a time for reading, please check this blog.

Thank you for your reading.


Japanese pigmy sea horse, Emperor shrimp, Phycocaris simulans


Sumisaki, Bizen

beautiful creature

The beautiful creature we met.

January 30 , 2022

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 6~10℃
Water Temperature: 18~19℃
Wind Direction: North(2~3m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

We go to the point of out of ocean today.
The visibility is about 15~20m. It’s so nice!!

Then, I can meet rare moray.
The color of their mouth is yellow.

But, this moray live in deep area. So if you want to see it, I recommend you to use enriched air Nitrox.

And, I can also find colorful Nudibranchia.

This Nudibranchia has three types of color that are purple, red and green.
I like this color the best.

Last, I found red shrimp.

It is called it “Umiushi-kakure-ebi” in japanese. It is called “Emperor Shrimp” in Eng.
The name means that the shrimp hide in Nudibranchia in Japanese.

The condition might be calm tomorrow .
I hope I can enjoy diving!!


Emperor shrimp, Miamira flavicostata, Moray

