It’s very nice condition today!!

The visibility was 30m today!!

June 23, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 23~28℃
Water Temperature: 23~24℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(3~4m/s)
Swell: 1.0~1.5m

Today’s sea is very good condition for diving.
Because the visibility is 30m and w.temp is 24 degree.

We could enjoy diving without stress today!!
I hope this condition will be continuing.

At morning, we can meet sea turtle.
The water is blue, so we can take a beautiful picture of sea turtle.

This turtle is very friendly. So we could hang out with it for a while.

Recently , the number of Japanese pigmy sea horse  is increasing , I think.

This sea horse live in Japan only.
So, I want every foreigner visit to see it.

The size is 5mm~ 1cm. If you want to see the details, I recommend you to bring digital camera.

In this season, many kinds of fishes are spawning and protecting their eggs.

Almost Clown fish are protecting their eggs.
If you are lucky, you can see the situation of hatching out at night.

If you want to see it, please ask to staff.

Then, It will be sunny and warm day. And the sea will be calm.
So, I think we can enjoy diving tomorrow as well.

Thank you for your reading.
See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Japanese pigmy sea horse, Sea turtle, Clown fish


Sumisaki, Bizen, Good Wrasse world