串本の生きもの / Sea turtle

There are so many kinds of underwater creatures

We went to Night diving yesterday .

October 8 , 2024

Weather: Cloudy &Sunny
Ground Temperature: 22~27℃
Water Temperature: 26℃
Wind Direction: Southeast(3m/s)
Swell: 0.5m

The sea condition keep nice recently.
And the number of overseas guest is getting more.

We went to Night diving yesterday.
We could see Baby Painted spiny robster.

The body color is so beautiful!!!
We can see this size only this term.

When you go to Night diving, you can see underwater creatures closer than usual.

The night diving seems like Adventure. So it is exciting !!!

Also, today is so good condition as well.
We can meet sea turtle.

The sea turtle is so friendly.
So we can observe her easily !!

And we can also meet Giant frog fish.
The frog fish lives in same area.She likes Anchor line, I guess.

Recently, the number of tropical fish is more  and more.
There is a place that four Platte surgeonfish live in a same coral.

They are so cute!!!
We can see various of underwater creatures from temperate species to Tropical fish.

I think the one of charm of Kushimoto’s sea is that can be seen various underwater creatures.

Now is the best season to see many situation.

After this term, you can practice drysuit diving.
We held the Drysuit speciality course from Autumn season.

If you want to experience drysuit diving, October and November is the best season.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Sea turtle, Giant frogfish, Platte surgeonfish, Starry toadfish


Bizen, Sumisaki, Asaji

Diving with Exchange problem student

I went to diving with Switzerland student.

May 5th, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 14~24℃
Water Temperature: 19~20℃
Wind Direction: Southeast(3m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

Swaziland student came to our shop today.
I try to introduce a charm of Kushimoto’s sea.

At first dive, he could find sea turtle by himself!!

When he find sea turtle at first, I couldn’t see it.
But the sea turtle come back to us!!!

We are so lucky today!!!!

And, I show hime tiny sea slug as well.

Macro diving is the popular style in Japan.
So, when the overseas guest come to our shop, I always show such a small things.

Then we will go to the area which held “Koinobori” underwater.

Today is called “Children’s day” in Japan.
It is a tradition to decorate carp streamers on Children’s day in Japan.

It was nice timing to dive!!!!

The water temperature is about 20 degree now.
The number of the guest who wear a wetsuit is getting more.

When the water temperature  become more than 20 degree, we can see a spawning behavior of Big fin reef squid.

I’m looking forward to observing the behavior!!!

See you then(^^)

Inquiry (English)


Sea turtle, Goniobranchus fidelis


Bizen, Sumisaki

Good sea for diving!!!

We can see various of underwater creatures!!

October  17, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 17~25℃
Water Temperature: 24℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(3~4m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

Hi, there!!
I cannot update blog for a long time. I’m so sorry(~~;)

Now there are various of underwater creatures in our dive site.
For examples, sea slugs, sea turtle, a school of fishes and so on.

And the number of baby fishes in getting increasing recently.

It is so small and so cute!!
IN autumn season is the best to see baby fishes.

Also, the number of sea slug is getting more.

The color of them is very beautiful.So, it is fun to see them!!
It is hard to find them that’s why the sea slugs are tiny now(^^;)
But, when I can find them I feel so happy!!!

At last dive, we can meet sea turtle that is so friendly.

She don’t run away at all.
So, we can observe it and take a pics of turtles.

In this season, you can enjoy diving with your pace.
So, I recommend you to come to Kushimoto in this season!!

Seeyou then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Sea turtle, Longnose hawkfish, Black spotted snapper, Hypselodoris apolegma


Sumisaki, Good Wrasse world, Isuzumisho

School of fishes

You can see school of fishes in bay side diving area now.

October 4, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 21~26℃
Water Temperature: 25~26℃
Wind Direction: east(6~8m/s)
Swell: 1.0~2.0m

It will be autumn season soon.
But, a ground temperature is still warm.

So, we can dive without feeling cold.
Now is so comfortable(^^)

As for underwater, there are so many fishes.

Big grouper sometimes attack to these fishes.
So, these fishes were gathering each other.

And we can also see sea turtle today morning.

The turtle didn’t ran away.
So, I was able to take a close look.

At last diving, the surge was getting bigger.
So, the visibility become worse…..

So, I enjoyed diving with seeing macro creatures.

There are rare wrasse and various macro underwater creatures.

We will dive three times tomorrow .
I hope the surge will be small and small by tomorrow morning.

See you then!!

Inquiry (English)


Sea turtle, Moss fringehead, school of fishes


Bizen, Sumisaki, Good Wrasse world

We can see many kinds of underwater creatures now!!

I could see sea turtle and many frog fish.

October 3, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 18~27℃
Water Temperature: 25~26℃
Wind Direction: Southeast(5~6m/s)
Swell: 0.5m

I try to find a school of silver striped round herring.
There are so many them in bay side dive point!!

Bonito sometimes aim them.
In that timing, the shape of a school of fishes suddenly change.
It is so beautiful and powerful!!

At second dive, I can find many frog fishes.

First one is so big!!!!

Others are tiny. Its size is about 1cm~3cm.

They are so cute(^^)
I want to them to stay at the same place.

At third dive, we could meet three turtles!!!

The sea turtle is so friendly. So, you can take a picture of sea turtle.

It will be sunny day tomorrow .
So, I will be able to enjoy diving as well.

Autumn season is nice for enjoying diving!!
So, you should come to Kushimoto in this season, I guess.

See you then(^^)/


Inquiry (English)


Warty Frogfish, Sea turtle, Silver-stripe round fishes, Bonito


Bizen, Sumisaki, Good Wrasse world

It’s very nice condition today!!

The visibility was 30m today!!

June 23, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 23~28℃
Water Temperature: 23~24℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(3~4m/s)
Swell: 1.0~1.5m

Today’s sea is very good condition for diving.
Because the visibility is 30m and w.temp is 24 degree.

We could enjoy diving without stress today!!
I hope this condition will be continuing.

At morning, we can meet sea turtle.
The water is blue, so we can take a beautiful picture of sea turtle.

This turtle is very friendly. So we could hang out with it for a while.

Recently , the number of Japanese pigmy sea horse  is increasing , I think.

This sea horse live in Japan only.
So, I want every foreigner visit to see it.

The size is 5mm~ 1cm. If you want to see the details, I recommend you to bring digital camera.

In this season, many kinds of fishes are spawning and protecting their eggs.

Almost Clown fish are protecting their eggs.
If you are lucky, you can see the situation of hatching out at night.

If you want to see it, please ask to staff.

Then, It will be sunny and warm day. And the sea will be calm.
So, I think we can enjoy diving tomorrow as well.

Thank you for your reading.
See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Japanese pigmy sea horse, Sea turtle, Clown fish


Bizen, Sumisaki, Good Wrasse world

Many Chicken Grunt

I can see many fishes today.

May 13, 2023

Weather: Rainy
Ground Temperature: 16~21℃
Water Temperature: 18~20℃
Wind Direction: Southwest(3~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

It was rainy day today.
But, the sea condition is very calm.

So, we can enjoy diving without stress.

At first dive, I can see school of Chicken Grunt.

I think the number of Chicken Grunt is 500.
The scale is very dynamic !!!

Also, I can find rare seaslug.

It is tiny usually, but the seaslug is 1cm.
So, it is easy to observe it in details.

At last dive, I can find sea turtle.

She didn’t run away quickly .
I cannot catch up with turtle, but I can observe it for long time.

And, many bigfin reef squid was spawning today.
I guess I can observe the spawning behavior tomorrow also.

I will enjoy diving tomorrow.

The water temperature is getting warmer.
So, the number of diver who wear a wetsuit is getting more, I think.

We have a space for booking in weekday.
Please come and visit us!!

Inquiry (English)


Sea turtle, Bigfin reef squid


Sumisaki, Good Wrasse world

Friendly Sea turtle

We can meet friendly sea turtle today.

May 8, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 17~23℃
Water Temperature: 17~19℃
Wind Direction: Northwest→Sortheast(3~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0~1.5m

It was heavy rain yesterday.
Some area damaged by heavy rain.

After rainy day, the visibility is usually getting worse, but today visibility of the sea is so good!!

We can see that situation sometimes.
The white area is freshwater that is coming from river, and then blue area is sea water.

Its situation is rare, I think.
Because, this situation is not something you can see even if you want to see it.

Isn’t this gradation beautiful.?

When I dive today, I can see many kinds of baby fish.
The number of juvenile fish is expected to increase.

The Glass Goby stay at beautiful place.
This polyps looks like flower I think.

The end of diving, I can meet friendly sea turtle.
The sea turtle doesn’t run away at all.

So, we can get closer to her.
Her face is very cute. We hung out with her for ten minutes.

The number of sea turtle is getting more after May.
It becomes easy to meet her after that season.

If you want to see a sea turtle, I recommend you to come May through September.

We will dive three times tomorrow.
I hope the visibility is still good.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Sea turtle, Glass goby


Good Wrasse world

Typhoon passed

First dive after typhoon No.14 passed

September 21, 2022

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 20~27℃
Water Temperature: 26~27℃
Wind Direction: Southeast(3m/s)
Swell: 0.5m

The typhoon named “Nanmadol” passed Kushimoto two days ago.
Today, we can do first dive after the typhoon passed.

The typhoon had strong power while it came Japan.
The scenery in the sea is very strong so that the ocean was stormy.

I have to research under water creature where it is.
But, I can find some creatures that we have known before typhoon effect.

First one is Garden-eel.

The Garden-eel was eating.

And sea turtle is still in Kushimoto.
She is so friendly, so we can observe her very close distance.

Last one is Blue tang that modeled for the movie “Finding Dory”.

At last dive, I can find new creature.
That is goby named Spotted prawn-goby.

There are three goby in the same point.
It seems that more and more new creatures will be seen from now on.

It will be rainy tomorrow…
I hope it doesn’t affect the transparency.

Bye for now!!


Sea turtle, Spotted prawn-goby, Blue tang, Garden eel


Bizen, Sumisaki, Good Wrasse world

Sea turtle

We could meet many sea turtles today.

July 30, 2022

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 24~31℃
Water Temperature: 24~28℃
Wind Direction: Southeast(3~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

In the morning, the visibility is very good!!
When I see the surface, the sea water seems like crystal blue.

We can see so many sea turtles today.
The turtle that we met is so friendly. The sea turtle is getting closer to us.

There are many kinds of fishes in this area.

A school of Sliver-stripe round fishes is dynamic(^^)
Sometimes, Greater amberjacks are coming.

On the other hand, there are many kinds of macro creature too.
Ghost pipe fish is still the same place where I found yesterday.

Even if the water is clear, I will look for  Nudibranchs.

I could find many Nudibranchs today.
The size is very tiny, so it’s better to use compact digital camera for observing them.

Don’t you think it is beautiful?
Now,  the number of Nudibranchs is increasing.

The water temperature is getting warmer recently .
If you want to come to Kushimoto, Now is the best timing!!

Please come and visit !!

See you next blog.


Sea turtle, Silver-stripe round fishes, Greater Ambrjack


Bizen, Sumisaki, Good Wrasse world