It’s nice day for diving!!!

The whether is fine today!!

July 11, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 26~30℃
Water Temperature: 19~25℃
Wind Direction: Sorthwest(3~4m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

It was sunny and nice day today!!
The ground temperature is very high but the water temperature is getting lower.

The lowest w. temp is 19 degree.
I hope the water temperature become high.

Today, I can find out many Japapigu today.

One of the point, there is two japapigu at the same place.
They sometimes fight with each other.

The behavior is so cute(^^)

And then, I want to show you other cute fish.

It is so cute, isn’t it??
I like this fish. Because the eye is so cute!!!

By the way, this fish is tiny.

At last dive, I can see rare fish.

It is called ” Leaf scorpionfish” in English.
The fish mimics the surrounding seaweed.
It is hard to find out this fish every time .

Others, there are many kinds of shrimps in Kushimoto area.

Some shrimp has a eggs in their stomach.
And I can see new eggs in their head.

The body color is clear, so I can see inside of the body.

It will be nice day for diving tomorrow.
I hope I can see rare fish and many under water creatures.

see you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Japanese pigmy sea horse, Clear Cleaner shrimp, Leaf scorpionfish, Moyer's dragonet


Sumisaki, Bizen