International team

The American guest came to our shop today.

March 25, 2024

Weather: Rainy
Ground Temperature: 13~17℃
Water Temperature: 16℃
Wind Direction: Northeast(3~4m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

It was rainy day…
But the sea condition was calm today!!

I went to diving with American guest.
I’m happy  foreigner tourist to come to our shop.

She said there are various of creature in Kushimoto.
I think so!!! Kushimoto area has various of underwater creatures.

I introduced many kind of underwater creatures unique to Japan.

First of all, I could find “Japanese pigmy sea hourse”.
I usually want every foreigner divers to see it!!

The size is so tiny!!!
It is hard to take a pic of that. But, it can be seen in japan only.

And that fish lives in Japan’s sea only.
That name is “Japanese pigmy angel fish”.

The body color is so beautiful!!!
When you dive in Japan, you should see it, I guess.

We did three dives in a day!!
I hope she enjoyed todays diving!!

Other foreigner tourist will come to our shop on Wednesday.
I will try to find out many kinds of underwater creatures.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Japanese pigmy sea horse, Japanese pigmy angel fish


Sumisaki, Bizen, Good Wrasse world