串本の生きもの / Verconia sp.2

So nice sea condition!!!

W.temp become 23 degree!!

June 19, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 19~27℃
Water Temperature: 23℃
Wind Direction: Southeast(2~3m/s)
Swell: 0.5m

It was heavy rain yesterday.
So, I’m worried about sea condition today.

But, the condition is so good.
Water temperature was 23 degrees and the visibility is 12m.

After rainy day, we can sometimes see this situation.

Around surface is filled with fresh water and bottom side is filled with sea water.
When this situation is happened, we can see this scene which looks like aurora.

Today, we can also see so many silver striped round herrings.

When they go through on us, it becomes dark underwater.
It is so dynamic !!!!

The water temperature become 23 degree, so some damsel start protecting their eggs.

Other fishes start ecological behavior soon, I guess.
I’m looking forward to seeing this behavior!!!

Also, we can still see many sea slug.
They are so beautiful!!!

If you like sea slug, here is the best place for searching sea slug I guess.

Although it will be rainy day tomorrow, sea will be calm.
We will be able to enjoy diving in calm condition.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Silver-stripe round fishes, Verconia sp.2, Nagasaki Damsel


Sumisaki, Bizen

Diving in Kushimoto after a long time

We can meet many kind of  small underwater creatures.

December 28, 2021

Weather: Sunny and cloudy
Ground Temperature: 6~11℃
Water Temperature: 17~18℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(4~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0~1.5m

We can dive in Kushimoto after a long time.

So, I  have checked if there are any underwater creatures left.
The creatures I’ve seen so far are  still living.

Today, we observe rare shrimp that is called “Kogashiraebi”  inJapanese.

Recently, there are many Nudibranchias in Kushimoto.
I’ll show you some Nudibranchia we met.

Besides small creatures, there are many attractions such as a school of fish.

But, we may be able to dive tomorrow only in this year due to heavy wind.
We are going to do three dives for a day.

Why is the sea rough during the New Year holidays……??
I hope the sea condition is getting better!!


Verconia sp.2, Leander plumosus, Cratena lineata


Sumisaki, Bizen, Good Wrasse world