The underwater environment is changing

We can see many kinds of fishes more.

May 12, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 13~23℃
Water Temperature: 19℃
Wind Direction: Southeast(3~5m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

The sea condition was good today!!!
There is no waves and surge. So we can enjoy diving today as well.

I saw rare seaslug today.

I had never seen it before. I’m so happy to see it!!!

There are many kinds of anthias in some dive point.

The color of this anthias is so beautiful.
So, many diver likes this fish for taking a picture.

When the water temperature become 20 degree, we can see many goby.

I saw Black sailfin goby today.
There are other gobies as well in the same area.

Have you ever this fish?? The fish lives in the drift seaweed.
When we make a safety stop, we sometimes are able to see this fish near the surface.

We will go to diving three times tomorrow .
It will be rainy day. But sea condition will be good, I guess.

We will enjoy diving tomorrow as well!!

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Black sailfin goby, One-stripe anthias, Sargassmfish


Bizen, Good Wrasse world, Ni-No-Ne