串本の生きもの / Cattle fish

There were so many Jellyfish today.

When we make a safety stop, I could find various Jellyfish.

April 20, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 14~23℃
Water Temperature: 17℃
Wind Direction: Southwest(3~5m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

It’s first dive after temporary closure.
The visibility is getting better than before.

At the morning, it is about 10~15m.
But, there are so many Jellyfish or Plankton.

So, It seemed murkier than it actually was.

And I could meet or find out rare underwater creatures at second dives.

First of all is this sea slug.
The color is so beautiful(^^)
But, we cannot see it once or second in a year. So, this sea slug is super rare in our dive site.

And we could meet cattle fish for a while.

When she was scared, she change her body color.
The color is so beautiful(^^)
I hope I will be able to see it again.

I want to show you this sea slug as well. This sea slug is very rare one!!!

The back design seems like sea turtle, doesn’t it??
Today’s guest said that the color seems like whale shark.

What do you think about the color??

The grond temperature is getting warmer and warmer.
The number of inquiry from overseas is increasing.

If you want to look for the diving service in Kansai.
Please come and visit us!!

See you then(^^)

Inquiry (English)


Nembrotha sp.2, Cattle fish, Aldisa albatrossae


Sumisaki, Bizen, Same-no-hire

The sea condition is very rough…

We cannot dive in Kushimoto area.

March 20, 2024

Weather: Sunny sometimes rainy
Ground Temperature: 10~12℃
Water Temperature: 16℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(8~10m/s)
Swell: 1.5m

There were very strong wind and high wave in Kushimoto area today.
So, we changed the dive site located in Kii-Oshima.

There are various of macro underwater creatures in this point named Uchiura-beach.

At first dive, we went to deep area for seeing this fish.

This fish is so rare!!!
It’s so rare that if you haven’t seen it, you should definitely check it out!!!

And we can also see cattle fish!!

The body color is so beautiful, isn’t it??

Do you find any creatures in this pic??


A octopus is hiding in this pic.
It’s good at hiding in the sand. So, It is hard to find out it.

Others, there are so many kind s of rare underwater creatures in this point.


But, we will be able to dive by March 31.
So, I wanna dive at this point more.

Then, we will be able to dive in Kushimoto area tomorrow.
I hope we can dive in Kushimoto area.

Aee you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Cattle fish, Pegasus laternarius, Octopus aegina, longwing searobin


Uchiura beach

Uchiura beach after a long time

I went to Uchiura beach after a long time.

November 7, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 22℃
Water Temperature: 21~23℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(6~9m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

The Kushimoto’s sea has very big waves and strong winds.
So, we cannot dive in Kushimoto area.

I went to other diving site which is called “Uchiura beach”.
It is first time to dive in this season.

There are usually many fishes in this point.

And there are also many kinds of macro creatures.

I could find out Pikachu sea slug.
I kept searching this sea slug for a month.

Finally, I can find it!!!
When I find it, I feel so happy!!!

And I met Lion fish that has beautiful fin!!
This fin is so beautiful, isn’t it??

At last dive, I met cattle fish.
When it feel stress or getting angry, its color change to beautiful color.

In winter season, the day which we cannot dive in Kushimoto area due to strong wind is getting more.

So, I think the time that going to Uchiura is more and more.
This point is so fun for diving.

Our dive site has so many diving point.
So, you can see various situations if you come to here.

Please come and visit us!!

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Cattle fish, Pikachu seaslug, Horse Mackerel, Blackfoot Firefish

Uchi-ura Beach

We dived in Uchi-ura beach.

January  18, 2022

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 5~8℃
Water Temperature: 19℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(8~10m/s)
Swell: 0.5m
※This condition is about Sue area.

Today, there are high waves in Kushimoto area.
So, we go to Sue, Uchi-ura beach.

I go to there with a guest who haven’t  been to Sue before.
So, I introduced many kinds of creatures that lived in Sue as much as I can.

When I go to deeper area, I meet Big Angel shark.
I’m so happy to meet him at first!!

The Angel shark is swimming in front of us.
So, we can observe him easily(^^)

A herd of horse mackerel, which is a typical creatures in Sue area, also passed as ususal.
It is so dynamic !!

Please visit us to see this flock!!
Sometimes, Big yellowtails appears near the flock and preys on horse mackerel.

On the other hands, we can observe small creatures in Sue area too.
For example, cattle fish, Japanese pigmy seahorse and Octopus and so on.

The color of cattle fish is so beautiful .
It change the color when intimidating.  This is one of the most popular creature.

Then, we will be able to dive in Kushimoto tomorrow.
I hope W.temp is rising and the visibility is so good.


Cattle fish, Horse Mackerel, Angel shark


Uchiura beach