串本のダイビングポイント / To-no-oki

Anemone fish spawning

I can see the situation of anemone fish spawning.

June 16, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 21~28℃
Water Temperature: 22~23℃
Wind Direction: West(4~10m/s)
Swell: 1.0~2.0m

In this season, we can observe many kinds of breeding behaviors.
Today, I can see rare situation.

It is Anemone fish spawning.

The orange area is eggs.

Anemone fish lay their eggs by rubbing their bellies against rocks.
Even if you want to see it, it’s a rare sight, so if you can see it, you’re very lucky.

If you go to night diving, you can see its egg’s hatch out .

Usually, I entry at 7:00 and exit at 8:15.
The depth is shallow, so you can stay at there  longer than usual diving.

Others, there are many Chicken Grunt at bayside point now.

Sometimes, Big Greater Amberjack appears.

Its size is about 1m.
When it gets closer to us , it so powerful,I think.

In July, we may be able to see coral spawning.
If you want to see it, you will go night diving.

This night diving is little bit late, but it is so wonderful !!
I want everyone to see it!!

Then, It will be nice for diving tomorrow.
I will be able to enjoy diving tomorrow as well.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Chicken Grunt, Greater Ambrjack, Anemone fish's egg, Coral spawning


Bizen, To-no-oki

Sporochuus dotyi Brostoff

It looks like beautiful fireworks.

March 14, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 5~15℃
Water Temperature: 16℃
Wind Direction: west(3m/s)
Swell: 0.5m

Today, we went to diving for observing “Sporochuus dotyi Brostoff”.
In the spring season, the number of these are usually increasing in Kushimoto area.

The sea plants that is called “Sporochuus dotyi Brostoff” got a Japanese name last month.
It called “Kujyaku-keyari”in Japanese.

Kujyaku means Peacock in Japanese.
Don’t you think that its color looks like peacock feather?

It looks like flower or fireworks.
When you take a pics of these, the picture is so beautiful.

So, many Japanese diver like this sea plant.

Sometimes, you can see other underwater creatures near this sea plant.

A tiny sea slugs  or Hermit crab is often staying near.

If you are lucky, you can meet beautiful jerry fish.

This color is very beautiful.
It will be more beautiful if you take a picture so that the background is black.

In spring season( March-May), you can see various of underwater macro creatures in Kushimoto. Of course, the school of fishes as well.

By the way, From March 22nd, we will hold a campaign where the rental fee for drysuit will be free.

So, if you want to try to dive with drysuit, this period is the best timing.
If you have never use it, don’t worry.

I teach you how to use drysuit at first dive.

If you take the course, you will be good at using drysuit.

I’m looking forward everyone to coming our shop!!

see you then(^^)

Inquiry (English)


Sumisaki, Bizen, To-no-oki

The sea water is blue(^^)

We went to the point of out of the ocean.

October 3, 2022

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 22~28℃
Water Temperature: 26~27℃
Wind Direction: East(3~5m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

It was sunny today!!
So, we can go to the point of out of the ocean!!

Their water is very clear.
We can observe many kind of a school of fish easily.

In first dive, we can meet a school of the Largescale Blackfish.
There may be 200. It’s so dynamic!!

there are many Anthias and Damzel on the rock.
The snapdragon snapper’s color is orange.
So when they gather at the same point, it is very beautiful.

Sometimes, baby double-lined fusilier are coming suddenly.
Usually, they are gathering. It looks like ball.

Do you know that October is the best season in a year.
You can observe so many kind of fishes in a day.

I recommend you to come this season.
Thank you for reading this blog!!

See you!!


double-lined fusilier, Largescale Blackfish, snapdragon snapper


Bizen, Ni-No-Ne, To-no-oki