Staff Blog

This category is the blog written in english

Japanese Pigmy Sea Hourse

15th March, 2022

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 17~23℃
Water Temperature: 17℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(6~8m/s)
Swell: 1.0~1.5m

I go to 3 dives in a day with the guests who like small creatures.
One of the guest want to see Pigmy Sea Horse and Phycocaris simulans.

So, I try to find out it.
As a result, I can find out them.

When I would be happy if I could meet the requests.

Japanese Pigmy Seahorse is about 1cm.
It’s very small and cute!!

There is Emperor Shrimp in our dive site.

These color is so beautiful!! I like this combination(^^)

At last, please introduce a blog that I join.
The blog’s name is “Kushimoto-koza guide”.

the blog association has 5 members. I write the blog in English  in 14th every month.
If you have a time for reading, please check this blog.

Thank you for your reading.

Japanese pigmy sea horse, Phycocaris simulans, Emperor shrimpBizen, Sumisaki

Our dive site is closed again…..

7 March , 2022

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 7~11℃
Water Temperature: 16~17℃
Wind Direction: West(8~11m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

Today, Kushimoto’s dive site is closed again.
So, we went to Sue Diving Center located in Kii-Ooshima.

The visibility is getting worse.But, there are many kinds of small creatures.
So, We enjoy diving in there.

I’ll show you some creatures I met in Sue’s dive site.

Uchiura beach, Sue

The big I say is small for others

February  23, 2022

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 2~10℃
Water Temperature: 16.4℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(4~8m/s)
Swell: 1.0~2.0m

Recently, Kushimoto’s diving area is closed due to strong wind and waves.
But, we can dive in Kushimoto  today because the wind is getting weaker.

At last month, I always look for Nudibranch.
So, it seems that the scale of the size when  looking at creatures has shifted…haha

When I introduced  some Nudibranch, I wrote this Nudibranch is big!!
But, the guest don’t think the Nudibranch is big.

I used to look four like this size.

the size is about 5mm.
I have to fix my scale….

Then, I will show you beautiful seaweed.

This seaweed can only be seen in five area in Japan, including Kushimoto.
Don’t you think this is so beautiful?

You can see it from now to June.
Please come and see it.

There are many kind of creatures now.
So, you must be able to enjoy diving in Kushimoto.

I update some pics in our Instagram.
Please follow our Instagram account.

Japanese pigmy sea horse, Eriocauloncea sp, Favorinus japonicus, Gonibranchus ruformaculatus

Maintenance day

February  21st, 2022

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 3~8℃
Water Temperature: (Closed)
Wind Direction: Northwest(8~11m/s)
Swell: 2.0m(Closed)

There was a strong wind in Kushimoto all day long.
So, It was a high wave at the diving point and it was a day when I couldn’t dive.

I will devote myself to the maintenance of equipment on these days.
Today, Cylinder maintenance was done.

Cylinders used in salt water will rust, so we regularly repaint  and maintain.

After finishing repainting, the cylinder looks like this.

The rusted part is gone, isn’t it a good feeling?
I really want to repaint the entire cylinder, but I didn’t have enough time to finish it…

The wind is getting weaker and I’m looking forward to diving in a beautiful tank.

There are many kinds of creatures in Kushimoto now.
I wonder if the wind is getting weaker quickly .

I will show you the underwater creatures in our Instagram .

Seamans Club Instagram:

If you have a time, please check it and follow our account !!!

Kushimoto area

19th February , 2022

Weather: Cloudy→Rainy
Ground Temperature: 5~12℃
Water Temperature: 17℃
Wind Direction: Northeast(4~8m/s)
Swell: 1.0~1.5m

Hi, this is Hirotaka from Nanki Seamans Club.
I’m sorry that I couldn’t write blog for a while.

We cannot dive in Kushimoto for four days due to strong wind and high waves.

But, The sea become calm today.
So,we can dive in our dive site for the first time in many years.

I dived with the guest who have never dived Kushimoto today.
So, I introduce the major creatures of Kushimoto.

At first, I introduced Scarbreast tuskfish.
I think it’s a representative fish of Kushimoto.

When the Scarbreast tuskfish find diver, he start chasing divers.
It’s like a dog chasing the owner and it’s cute(^^)

And, when I take launch with guest, I received a request to see sea turtle and Longtooth grouper. So I search for them in the second dive.

As a result, I can meet both of them.

The sea turtle is resting on the rock.
It was a sea turtle that never escaped even when diver was approaching.

So, we can take a photograph with the sea turtle easily.
The guest was very satisfied.

The forecast said the wind will get stronger tomorrow.
I guess we cannot dive in Kushimoto again….

We will go to Sue diving center tomorrow.

Sea turtle, Scarbreast tuskfishBizen, Sumisaki

The condition is so good!!

7.February , 2022

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 3~10℃
Water Temperature: 16.6℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(3~4m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

Today,  I went to coral conservation activities .
Recently , the coral that live in Kushimoto are eaten by Crown-of-thorns starfish.

So, many coral become white…
Kushimoto’s coral reef is protected by Ramsar Convention.

So, there are many beautiful coral reef.

I show you the movie that state of conservation activities.

please show it.

Crown-of-thorns starfish


February 4th, 2022

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 5~12℃
Water Temperature: 17.8℃
Wind Direction: North(1~2m/s)⇨Northwest(5~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0~1.5m

Today, I have been looking for Nudibranch.
I can find 14 species in a dive.

The variety of Nudibranch has increased since the w.temp reached around 18℃.

Some of Nudibranch I found today have never been seen before.

When I find it, I’m so happy (^^)
There are many Nudibranch I’ve never met in Kushimoto.
I want to find more.

There was also a shocking scene while searching for Nudibranch.
It is a scene where Scarus ovifrons is dead at the bottom of the water…

When I find it, I didn’t understand what it happened .
It may be a diver’s privilege to encounter such a scene.
This is also providence of nature, I think.

And then, there was a beautiful gammaridea today.

I cannot find the name in the picture book, dictionary and Internet.
If you know that name, please tell me.

Now, we can see so many kind of small  creatures in Kushimoto.
If you want to know the Japanese diving style,  there is no doubt that you can enjoy diving in Kushimoto now.

Since the number of guest is small, it is easy to practice taking photos.

We try to support you to take underwater photo.
Thank you.

Trinchesia sp.36, Scarus ovifrons, GammarideaBizen

Photo with using fisheye lens

January 31 , 2022

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 5~11℃
Water Temperature: 18~19℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(6~8m/s)
Swell: 1.0~2.0m

Today, we practice taking a pic with using Fisheye lens.
The condition is so good for practicing !!!!

There are so many Whitesaddle goatfishes in Kushimoto now.
So, we took a pic of it.

There are a thousand of this fish in this area, I guess.
You can enjoy taking photographs, I think.

And, I want to recommend you this place.
The situation is so beautiful, isn’t it?

In kushimoto, there are big coral that color is red.

The color type is so beautiful.
So, this situation is one of popular point in Kushimoto area.

Last, I show you a surprising sight.

It is the scene that a moray is attacking to Lobster .
The moray bite lobster very hard.

I was so excited to see such a situation (^^)

Diving is fun because you don’t know what will happen!!!

Whitesaddle goatfish, Moray, Scalefin AnthiasSumisaki, Good Wrasse world, Ni-No-Ne

beautiful creature

January 30 , 2022

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 6~10℃
Water Temperature: 18~19℃
Wind Direction: North(2~3m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

We go to the point of out of ocean today.
The visibility is about 15~20m. It’s so nice!!

Then, I can meet rare moray.
The color of their mouth is yellow.

But, this moray live in deep area. So if you want to see it, I recommend you to use enriched air Nitrox.

And, I can also find colorful Nudibranchia.

This Nudibranchia has three types of color that are purple, red and green.
I like this color the best.

Last, I found red shrimp.

It is called it “Umiushi-kakure-ebi” in japanese. It is called “Emperor Shrimp” in Eng.
The name means that the shrimp hide in Nudibranchia in Japanese.

The condition might be calm tomorrow .
I hope I can enjoy diving!!

Emperor shrimp, Miamira flavicostata, MorayNi-No-Ne

Macro Dive

January 29 , 2022

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 7~12℃
Water Temperature: 18~19℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(3~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

Today , we go to the point of out of ocean for the first time in a while.
We can meet many small creatures.

First, I want to show you this pic.

The situation is so beautiful, isn’t it?
I want to take a pictures!!!

Then,  I saw the squirt that looks like Panda.

Japanese usually call it “Panda Hoya”.

In addition , there are many frog fish and Nudibranchia in Kuhsimoto.

When you want to take a pic of small creature, You can enjoy diving in Kushimoto.
Please come and come and visit us!!

Warty Frogfish, Whip coral goby, Panda hoyaSumisaki, Ni-No-Ne, Tou-no-oki