串本のダイビングポイント / Isuzumisho

Good sea for diving!!!

We can see various of underwater creatures!!

October  17, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 17~25℃
Water Temperature: 24℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(3~4m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

Hi, there!!
I cannot update blog for a long time. I’m so sorry(~~;)

Now there are various of underwater creatures in our dive site.
For examples, sea slugs, sea turtle, a school of fishes and so on.

And the number of baby fishes in getting increasing recently.

It is so small and so cute!!
IN autumn season is the best to see baby fishes.

Also, the number of sea slug is getting more.

The color of them is very beautiful.So, it is fun to see them!!
It is hard to find them that’s why the sea slugs are tiny now(^^;)
But, when I can find them I feel so happy!!!

At last dive, we can meet sea turtle that is so friendly.

She don’t run away at all.
So, we can observe it and take a pics of turtles.

In this season, you can enjoy diving with your pace.
So, I recommend you to come to Kushimoto in this season!!

Seeyou then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Sea turtle, Black spotted snapper, Longnose hawkfish, Hypselodoris apolegma


Sumisaki, Good Wrasse world, Isuzumisho

Summery sea

the visibility and W.temp is so good!!

August 30, 2023

Weather: Rainy→Cloudy
Ground Temperature: 25~28℃
Water Temperature: 26~28℃
Wind Direction: Southeast(3~4m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

It was heavy rain in this morining.
But, the visibility is good.

I went to out of the ocean in the morning today.

There are many fishes in the dive point I went in the morning.
And the water is clear. So I can see far area easily.

Recently many butterfly fishes are in one of the bay site dive point.

This dive point has so many corals.
The scene is so beautiful, isn’t it?

Kushimoto coral reef is the northern part of Honshu Peninsula.
I hope many foreign tourist to know this view.

In the summer season, our dive site has many kinds of charm.
So, If you come or stay in Japan, please come and visit us.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Good Wrasse world, Asaji, Isuzumisho

It’s nice day today!!

The sea is so calm.

August 25, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 26~31℃
Water Temperature: 26~27℃
Wind Direction: Southeast(3m/s)
Swell: 1.0~m

Today, I went to dive with Canadian guest today.
Recently, our shop become international.

I hope many foreigner tourist know the charm of Kushimoto’s sea.
I will do my best to let you know the charm of our dive site.

Today, I saw many kinds of shrimp.

At first dive,  I can see Harlequin shrimp.

And I can see rare lobster as well.

And then  I saw hermit crab also.

Our guest take a picture of bubble ring today.

I like this picture. Because its ring position is so good and the picture feel like summer.

Then, Tomorrow is weekend.
Many guest come to our shop.

I will do my best to find many creatures.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Bizen, Good Wrasse world, Isuzumisho

I was back from Kumejima

I dove with Hong Kong for two days.

March 23 , 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 18~20℃
Water Temperature: 17℃
Wind Direction: East⇨Southwest(3~5m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

I went to Kumejima from March 17th  to 21st for Diving tour.
The sea is so clear. And I can met Manta ray at first day.

I cannot meet her in Kushimoto.
So, I was so excited !!!

I dove 9 times for three days, I can spend good time in Kumejima.
There are many caves , A school of fish, sea slugs and so on.

So, I fell in love with the sea of Kumejima.
I want to go there again.

I would like to reschedule the diving tour!!

After I came back to Kushimoto, I have dived with Hong Kong guest for two days.
He is nice guy.

At first day, we can see Pikachu.

He said he was impressed it.
Pikachu is Nickname.

Don’t you think it looks like Pokemon Pikachu?

And then, My friend fish come to meet us.

Today, I can find big grouper.
Its size is about 1m.

It is very expensive for buying.

In addition, we observed various creatures such as small shrimps, crabs, and sea slugs over the two days.

I hope the guest come to our shop again.
Thank you for coming our shop this time(^^)/

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Pikachu, Banded boar fish, Tuskfish, Grouper


Sumisaki, Bizen, Isuzumisho