「Beach diving」タグアーカイブ

The sea condition is very rough…

We cannot dive in Kushimoto area.

March 20, 2024

Weather: Sunny sometimes rainy
Ground Temperature: 10~12℃
Water Temperature: 16℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(8~10m/s)
Swell: 1.5m

There were very strong wind and high wave in Kushimoto area today.
So, we changed the dive site located in Kii-Oshima.

There are various of macro underwater creatures in this point named Uchiura-beach.

At first dive, we went to deep area for seeing this fish.

This fish is so rare!!!
It’s so rare that if you haven’t seen it, you should definitely check it out!!!

And we can also see cattle fish!!

The body color is so beautiful, isn’t it??

Do you find any creatures in this pic??


A octopus is hiding in this pic.
It’s good at hiding in the sand. So, It is hard to find out it.

Others, there are so many kind s of rare underwater creatures in this point.


But, we will be able to dive by March 31.
So, I wanna dive at this point more.

Then, we will be able to dive in Kushimoto area tomorrow.
I hope we can dive in Kushimoto area.

Aee you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Cattle fish, Pegasus laternarius, Octopus aegina, longwing searobin


Uchiura beach

It’s so cute(^^)

I can  see baby eel today.

10 July, 2023

Weather:Rainy→ Sunny
Ground Temperature: 26~30℃
Water Temperature: 20~25℃
Wind Direction: Southwest(3~4m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

It was rainy at morning, but it will be sunny afternoon.
So, it is warm on the ground today. But the water temperature is little bit low.

The water temperature of the bottom area is about 20 degree.
After doing diving for 45 min, I feel little bit cold.

The water temperature is low but underwater creatures are still active now.
There are many baby fishes.

I can see baby eel today.
The size is 5mm. It’s so tiny and cute!!

When getting angry, this eel is shaking neck.
The appearance is so cute.

And I can find tiny shrimp.

The academic name is so long…
It is called “Pliopontonia furtive anemone shrimp” .

The shrimp lives in disk coral. They pinch its coral by their leg.
So, I  cannot see anything on the coral.
But, sometimes the shrimps appear from coral.

If you can see it, you’re lucky.

At other area, there are many young damsels.

The number of damsel that usually lives in southern area is getting increase.
This damsel like a warm water. So I can see it in summer season.

At last, I can find boxer crab.

I can find it at the dive point of out of the ocean as usual.
But, I could find it in the bay side area today.

When I find this crab, I feel so happy.

It will be sunny tomorrow.
I hope the water temperature is getting warmer.

I will dive three times in a day tomorrow.
I wonder if I can meet many underwater creatures.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Boxer crab, Yellow mouth moray, Pliopontonia furtive anemone shrimp, Allen's chromis


Sumisaki, Good Wrasse world