Staff Blog

This category is the blog written in english

The visibility is better than expected

There are many Chicken Grunt in dive point today.

June 9, 2023

Weather: Cloudy
Ground Temperature: 22~24℃
Water Temperature: 21~22℃
Wind Direction: Southwest(4~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0~1.5m

It was heavy rain yesterday.
So, I think today’s visibility is getting worse before going to first dive.

But, when I enter the sea, it is better than expected.
After getting to the bottom, there are many small fishes near a anchor line.

It is called “Kinme-modoki” in Japanese. And English name is Pigmy sweeper.
The beauty of the shapes made by fish is indescribable.

Recently, there are many Chicken grunt in Bayside dive point.

Sometimes, some  Big Grouper attacked them.

At that time, the Chicken Grunt gather to drive away the Grouper.
The scene is very powerful,I think.

At the bottom area, many kinds of fishes are spawning or protecting their eggs.
Most of fish breed from now until around August.

If you come to Kushimoto at that time, you can see the behavior of fish breeding or spawning.
This Swatail blenny is protecting eggs in a hole.

In the fish world, it is common for father fishes to take care of eggs and baby.

The water temperature  is getting warmer.
From now until October is the best season for diving.

I will enjoy diving tomorrow as well.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Chicken Grunt, Pigmy sweeper, Longtooth grouper, Swatail blenny


Bizen, Sumisaki

Investigation of coral egg growth

We may be able to observe coral spawning  in this month.

June 6th, 2023

Weather: Rainy
Ground Temperature: 21℃
Water Temperature: 22~23℃
Wind Direction: East(1~2m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

I went to diving to investigate of coral egg growth in this morning.
Some coral egg is growing steadily.

If the water temperature is getting warmer, we could observe coral spawning  in this month.

In Kushimoto, there are many coral reef in beach diving point.
The coral reef is protected by Ramsar Convention.

The coral reef is northernmost place in the world.
So, I want everyone to see this sight.

Then, If you’re lucky, you can observe coral spawning.
It seems like a starry sky.

It’s so beautiful.
If you want to see it, you need to have a night dive experience.
But, I want you to see it!!

The coral spawning can be observed through June to July.
Some coral will be spawning at August.

I try to do research dive for coral spawning as much as possible .

I could observe coral spawning three years in a row.
So, I wanna observe this scene this year as well.

At last, I will show you the movie of the dive point.
The coral is very beautiful.

Reservations will be filled up quickly in the future, so please contact us as soon as possible.

I’m looking forward everyone to  come and visit us.
See you then(^^)/


Inquiry (English)


Orange House beach

The number of foreign guest is increasing

I’m happy  many foreign tourist to come.

May 28, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 19~23℃
Water Temperature: 21℃
Wind Direction: Southeast(3~4m/s)
Swell: 2.0~3.0m

The effect of typhoon have finally arrived today.
The swell make our body to move side by side.

It’s hard to observe underwater creature.
I think we cannot dive for a while….

Today, French guest came to our shop.
Recently, the number of foreign tourist is getting more.
I’m so happy to increasing foreign tourist who come to Kushimoto.

Today’s guest like this fish the best,I guess.

The fish always chase me, when it notice me.
When the fish get close to us, you can see it very close.

It’s so cute and joyful.
The fish show you many joyful art.

At second dive, I showed them Big squid.

It is very big. So, everyone is happy to see bigfin reef squid.

Others, there is Moss Fringehead in bayside dive point.

Its eyes is so cute.
Mohawk-like horns are very interesting !!!

Diving will be closed for a while from tomorrow due to the typhoon.

I hope the effect of typhoon is getting lower quickly .
After June, you can see many kinds of colorful fish in here.

Please come and visit us!

Inquiry (English)


Bigfin reef squid, Moss fringehead, Tuskfish


Bizen, Good Wrasse world

Bigfin reef squid is spawning now!!

There are very big squid in bayside dive point.

May 27, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 18~24℃
Water Temperature: 21~22℃
Wind Direction: East(3~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

Now, the typhoon is coming to Japan.
It’s over the Pacific  Ocean around Philippines, but the swells are starting to reach here.

I hope that the typhoon will have little effect….

In may, many squids are coming to Kushimoto area for spawning.

The size is very big.
And we can see it very close them.

Sometimes, male squids was fighting !!!

And There are beautiful seaweed.

It is called “Kujyakukeyari” in Japanese.
“Kujyaku” means Peacock. Its color looks like Peacock color.
That’s why we called it that.

And I can find rare seaslug.
The color is so psychedelic.

The foreign tourist will come to our shop.
I will do my best tomorrow !!!

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Bigfin reef squid, Nembrotha sp.2, Sporochnus dotyi Brostoff


Bizen, Good Wrasse world, Ni-No-Ne

Breeding season start

Many kinds of underwater creatures are breeding.

May 22, 2023

Weather: Rainy→Sunny
Ground Temperature:19~24℃
Water Temperature: 20~21℃
Wind Direction: East→west(3m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

It was a little chilly in the morning today, but from noon it becomes warm like summer.
I think you can dive with a wetsuit without feeling cold.

Then, The breeding season start in this week.
Some Damselfish are protecting their eggs and lay an eggs.

The father usually protect their eggs.
Also, Nemo lay an eggs as well.

I showed you the movie of behavior spawning of Bigfin reef squids.
I can also observe it today.

There are 20~25 squids.

Sometimes, the male squid was fighting.
It’s so dynamic.
This situation is shown in this season, so if you come to Kushimoto in May.
I want you to see it!!

Others, there are macro creatures.
The hermit crab lives in the place which is so beautiful.

If you usually take a pictures, I recommend you to go to here.
The backside shell is very beautiful.

At last, I show you the seaweed that looks like flower.
It’s tiny, but when you take a picture of it, you can gain in beauty.

The sea of Kushimoto has a beautiful sight, many kinds of creatures and potential, I think.
I hope the people from all over the world will know the charm of our dive site.

I will do my best to convey the charm of Kushimoto to the world.

When you come to Japan, please make a plan to come to Kushimoto.
See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Bigfin reef squid, Ficopomatus enigmaticus, Smokey chromis, Hydrocoryne miurensis


Sumisaki, Good Wrasse world

Good condition

Nice condition is keeping good!!

May 22, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 20~25℃
Water Temperature: 21℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(3~5m/s)
Swell: 1.0~1.5m

Recently, the water temperature is getting warmer.
It is 21 degrees.

The number of diver who wear a wetsuit is increasing.

Many underwater creatures are becoming more active as the water temperature rises.

I make a movie that shows you today’s sea.
Please check it.

Now, I’m happy Many foreign tourist to come to our shop.
I will do my best to let you know more about the sea of Kushimoto.

Please come and visit us.

Inquiry (English)


Good Wrasse world

Bigfin reef squid is spawning

The situation of spawning behavior squid.

May 21, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 20~26℃
Water Temperature: 21℃
Wind Direction: Northwest(3m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

In this week, we held the event that is for trying equipment.

And a spawning behavior of Bigfin reef squid is starting recently.

It’s so dynamic!!!

Please show the movie as below.

Please come and visit us!!

Inquiry (English)

Many Chicken Grunt

I can see many fishes today.

May 13, 2023

Weather: Rainy
Ground Temperature: 16~21℃
Water Temperature: 18~20℃
Wind Direction: Southwest(3~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

It was rainy day today.
But, the sea condition is very calm.

So, we can enjoy diving without stress.

At first dive, I can see school of Chicken Grunt.

I think the number of Chicken Grunt is 500.
The scale is very dynamic !!!

Also, I can find rare seaslug.

It is tiny usually, but the seaslug is 1cm.
So, it is easy to observe it in details.

At last dive, I can find sea turtle.

She didn’t run away quickly .
I cannot catch up with turtle, but I can observe it for long time.

And, many bigfin reef squid was spawning today.
I guess I can observe the spawning behavior tomorrow also.

I will enjoy diving tomorrow.

The water temperature is getting warmer.
So, the number of diver who wear a wetsuit is getting more, I think.

We have a space for booking in weekday.
Please come and visit us!!

Inquiry (English)


Sea turtle, Bigfin reef squid


Sumisaki, Good Wrasse world

Taking pictures

I can do photo dive today.

May 12, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 15~20℃
Water Temperature: 19℃
Wind Direction: Southeast(3m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

It was sunny outside today.
So, I can see the diver who wear a wetsuit recently .

The water temperature is getting warm.
So, underwater creatures is so active now.

In this term, the main topic of Kushimoto’s sea is spawning behavior of Bigfin reef squid.
A male squid is very big.  When he get closer to us, it’s very powerful !!

I updated the movie of squid in Youtube.
If you don’t mind please check the movie.

After observing it, I took a picture of underwater macro creatures .

This is a picture of Hermit crab.
They live in a hole where is coral.

There are also beautiful shell behind hermit crab.
I think it is so beautiful, so I took a pic of it.

Others, the seaweed was spawning.

Can you see the tiny eggs??Eggs is red one.
It is so difficult to observe with your eyes, so you need to use digital camera.

Last, I wanna show you this seaslug.

This is “Pikachu”. The color seems like Pokemon Pikachu, so Japanese diver call it “Pikachu”

In a little while, you will be able to make reservations through “KLOOK” website.
Please come and see the sea of Kushimoto when you come to Japan.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Pikachu, Ficopomatus enigmaticus, Martensia fragilis


Good Wrasse world

Friendly Sea turtle

We can meet friendly sea turtle today.

May 8, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 17~23℃
Water Temperature: 17~19℃
Wind Direction: Northwest→Sortheast(3~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0~1.5m

It was heavy rain yesterday.
Some area damaged by heavy rain.

After rainy day, the visibility is usually getting worse, but today visibility of the sea is so good!!

We can see that situation sometimes.
The white area is freshwater that is coming from river, and then blue area is sea water.

Its situation is rare, I think.
Because, this situation is not something you can see even if you want to see it.

Isn’t this gradation beautiful.?

When I dive today, I can see many kinds of baby fish.
The number of juvenile fish is expected to increase.

The Glass Goby stay at beautiful place.
This polyps looks like flower I think.

The end of diving, I can meet friendly sea turtle.
The sea turtle doesn’t run away at all.

So, we can get closer to her.
Her face is very cute. We hung out with her for ten minutes.

The number of sea turtle is getting more after May.
It becomes easy to meet her after that season.

If you want to see a sea turtle, I recommend you to come May through September.

We will dive three times tomorrow.
I hope the visibility is still good.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Sea turtle, Glass goby


Good Wrasse world