「Foreign tourists」タグアーカイブ

GW first half finish!!!!

We can dive in Kushimoto area in first term of GW.

April 29, 2024

Weather: Cloudy ⇨Rainy
Ground Temperature: 18~20℃
Water Temperature: 18~19℃
Wind Direction: Northeast(3~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

The sea condition kept so nice in first half of GW.
So, we can dive easily and stressless in this term.

We went to the area that has many gobies.

I could meet same goby which was seen in last year.
I was relived that the goby still lives.

The water temperature is getting warmer and warmer.
So, the activity of fish is more active.

Many Jaw fish aim foods.

Sometimes, they jump out from their house.

I saw rare situation yesterday.
Male ray courting a female ray.  I had never seen its situation before.

I was so excited !!!!!

Tomorrow will be weekdays.
There is not many divers at the sea in weekdays.
So, we could see many underwater creatures in our pace.

When you come to Kansai, please come and visit us!!!
You must be enjoy diving in Kushimoto now!!

See you then(^^)

Inquiry (English)


jawfish, Orange-striped shrimpgoby, Stingray


Bizen, Sumisaki, Ni-No-Ne

Golden week starts tomorrow

Almost Japanese take a holiday from tomorrow.

April 26th, 2024

Weather: Cloudy
Ground Temperature: 15~22℃
Water Temperature: 17~18℃
Wind Direction: East(2~4m/s)
Swell: 0.5m

Golden week starts tomorrow.
This week is holiday in Japan.

Almost Japanese people take a holiday for a week.
So, many divers will come to our shop in the week.

The water temperature is getting warmer.
Underwater creatures activity have also increased.

I could see seaweed spawning today!!!

Have you ever seen this creatures??

It is tiny one. But its color is so beautiful!!
Recently, it becomes popular in Japanese diver.

Of course, we can see various of sea slugs in Kushimoto area.

This sea slug is rare one.
This sea slug lives in east of Kushimoto, But the number of it is not much in our area.
The color is colorful, so I like it!!!

I have been going night diving a lot lately.
It is so fun because you can see different creatures than you can see during the day.

And we can see closer than the day.
Because many fishes sleep in night.

There are so many jelly fish lately.

Even safety stops are enjoyable here.
I want everyone to go night diving.

The sea is so calm in a golden week term.
We will be able to enjoy diving for golden week, I guess.

See you then(^^)

Inquiry (English)


Nembrotha sp.2, Olindias formosus, White spotted pygmy filefish, Aplysia


Sumisaki, Seamans beach

Rainy day

It was rainy day but the sea was calm

April 21, 2024

Weather: Rainy
Ground Temperature: 17~19℃
Water Temperature: 17℃
Wind Direction: Southeast(3~6m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

It was rainy day. But when it is rainy, the sea usually become calm.
That is Kushimoto’s magic?!

And the visibility is still 10m.
The water temperature is 17 degree.

The water temperature is getting warmer, the action of fish is more and more.
We could see chicken grunt today.

In the winter season, I search for sea slug often.
So, I see many fishes for a while (^^;)

Of course,  I search sea slug as well.

Do you know this sea slug eat the eggs of other sea slugs?
Some sea slug eat eggs or sea slug.

I went to the area where I haven’t been for a long time.
When I arrive at that area, I was surprised !!

Same frog fish have been staying at the same place!!!!

I think this place is good for eating food!!!
We have to avoid irritation!!!

the number of guest will be increasing after that time.
I hope the guest from overseas more and more.

I want everyone to know Kushimoto’s sea charm.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


frogfish, Chicken Grunt, Favorinus tsuruganus


Bizen, Sumisaki

There were so many Jellyfish today.

When we make a safety stop, I could find various Jellyfish.

April 20, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 14~23℃
Water Temperature: 17℃
Wind Direction: Southwest(3~5m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

It’s first dive after temporary closure.
The visibility is getting better than before.

At the morning, it is about 10~15m.
But, there are so many Jellyfish or Plankton.

So, It seemed murkier than it actually was.

And I could meet or find out rare underwater creatures at second dives.

First of all is this sea slug.
The color is so beautiful(^^)
But, we cannot see it once or second in a year. So, this sea slug is super rare in our dive site.

And we could meet cattle fish for a while.

When she was scared, she change her body color.
The color is so beautiful(^^)
I hope I will be able to see it again.

I want to show you this sea slug as well. This sea slug is very rare one!!!

The back design seems like sea turtle, doesn’t it??
Today’s guest said that the color seems like whale shark.

What do you think about the color??

The grond temperature is getting warmer and warmer.
The number of inquiry from overseas is increasing.

If you want to look for the diving service in Kansai.
Please come and visit us!!

See you then(^^)

Inquiry (English)


Nembrotha sp.2, Cattle fish, Aldisa albatrossae


Bizen, Sumisaki, Same-no-hire


We held a photo contestAward reception .

March 31, 2024

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 17~21℃
Water Temperature: 16℃
Wind Direction: Southwest(3~5m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

We held Kushimoto underwater photo contest award reception yesterday.
The contest has long history. It continues 33 years.

In this reception, I can see many photographs.
So, I like to join it.

Then, As for underwater, the visibility is getting better than yesterday.
The surface area is still white, but the bottom area is clear.

Today, I could find out rare shrimp.

Periclimenaeus gorgonidarum SP.
We can see it one or two times in a year.
So, I’m so happy when I can find out it.

In spring season, there are so many sea weeds.
Some sea slug live on the sea weed.

The form is so cute. I like this sea slug!!
The size is 1mm haha
It is hard to see it with your eyes only. Do you wanna see tiny underwater creatures?

Others, there are many kinds of macro creatures in bay side area.

We will be closed for 4 days starting tomorrow.
So, I go back to my parents house.

I hope the visibility is getting better at Friday.
See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Stiliger aureomarginatus, Periclimenaeus gorgonidarum SP


Bizen, Sumisaki, Good Wrasse world

Kushimoto area was closed due to heavy wind

I went to other diving site today.

March 26, 2024

Weather: Rainy⇨Cloudy
Ground Temperature: 14~19℃
Water Temperature: 16℃
Wind Direction: Southwest(6~10m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

Kushimoto area was closed today due to heavy wind.
So, we went to other dive site located in east area of Kushimoto.

The beach point will be closed 5days later.
So, we saw various of underwater creature as much as possible.

At first, we can see rare fish.

And there are many tiny creatures around this fish.

Some Japanese likes this creatures.
And there are many kinds of sea slug.

The color is so beautiful!!!
But it is small one.

Others, we can see beautiful fish!!
The fin is so beautiful, isn’t it??

Finally, this fish hid into the sand.

The fish usually wake up at night.
So, it is rare case to see in the noon.

I will dive in Kushimoto area tomorrow.
I hope the sea condition become calm.

Inquiry (English)


Uchiura beach

It’s nice day for diving!!!

The whether is fine today!!

July 11, 2023

Weather: Sunny
Ground Temperature: 26~30℃
Water Temperature: 19~25℃
Wind Direction: Sorthwest(3~4m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

It was sunny and nice day today!!
The ground temperature is very high but the water temperature is getting lower.

The lowest w. temp is 19 degree.
I hope the water temperature become high.

Today, I can find out many Japapigu today.

One of the point, there is two japapigu at the same place.
They sometimes fight with each other.

The behavior is so cute(^^)

And then, I want to show you other cute fish.

It is so cute, isn’t it??
I like this fish. Because the eye is so cute!!!

By the way, this fish is tiny.

At last dive, I can see rare fish.

It is called ” Leaf scorpionfish” in English.
The fish mimics the surrounding seaweed.
It is hard to find out this fish every time .

Others, there are many kinds of shrimps in Kushimoto area.

Some shrimp has a eggs in their stomach.
And I can see new eggs in their head.

The body color is clear, so I can see inside of the body.

It will be nice day for diving tomorrow.
I hope I can see rare fish and many under water creatures.

see you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Japanese pigmy sea horse, Clear Cleaner shrimp, Leaf scorpionfish, Moyer's dragonet


Bizen, Sumisaki

It’s so cute(^^)

I can  see baby eel today.

10 July, 2023

Weather:Rainy→ Sunny
Ground Temperature: 26~30℃
Water Temperature: 20~25℃
Wind Direction: Southwest(3~4m/s)
Swell: 1.0m

It was rainy at morning, but it will be sunny afternoon.
So, it is warm on the ground today. But the water temperature is little bit low.

The water temperature of the bottom area is about 20 degree.
After doing diving for 45 min, I feel little bit cold.

The water temperature is low but underwater creatures are still active now.
There are many baby fishes.

I can see baby eel today.
The size is 5mm. It’s so tiny and cute!!

When getting angry, this eel is shaking neck.
The appearance is so cute.

And I can find tiny shrimp.

The academic name is so long…
It is called “Pliopontonia furtive anemone shrimp” .

The shrimp lives in disk coral. They pinch its coral by their leg.
So, I  cannot see anything on the coral.
But, sometimes the shrimps appear from coral.

If you can see it, you’re lucky.

At other area, there are many young damsels.

The number of damsel that usually lives in southern area is getting increase.
This damsel like a warm water. So I can see it in summer season.

At last, I can find boxer crab.

I can find it at the dive point of out of the ocean as usual.
But, I could find it in the bay side area today.

When I find this crab, I feel so happy.

It will be sunny tomorrow.
I hope the water temperature is getting warmer.

I will dive three times in a day tomorrow.
I wonder if I can meet many underwater creatures.

See you then(^^)/

Inquiry (English)


Boxer crab, Yellow mouth moray, Pliopontonia furtive anemone shrimp, Allen's chromis


Sumisaki, Good Wrasse world